August 2011 Moms

MIL said that swaddling was "barbaric". WTF

I posted this about my crazy MIL freaking out about us swaddling with the Miracle Blanket the other day:

She called my H today freaking out again bc I hadn't responded to her email after much advice from friends IRL and on the bump. My H told her that "We've got it" and not to worry and to let us parent out own  child and her response was to say that swaddling is barbaric and that she can't believe we are still going to use the MB.

On what planet does swaddling=barbaric? This woman needs professional help.


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Re: MIL said that swaddling was "barbaric". WTF

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    At least your H told her to back off. That woman is a nut.
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    Jeez.  Good call on not responding to the email.
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    At least your H told her to back off. That woman is a nut.

    Yes thank god he backed me up...he was sticking up for her for such a long time and it was so frustrating!!

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    Ha, really? What a crazy woman! I commented on your last post too. I have to say god bless your DH for speaking up. My man ALWAYS has my back when it comes to his mother and I cant thank him enough. There are lots of men out there that step down when it comes to their mother so you are lucky in that case. 

    As for your MIL, ignore her. Dont answer her calls, her texts, her emails, etc. I had to do this with my own MIL. She is in my world now and if she wants to see her grandchild she is going to have to play by my rules. DH very rudely had to point this out to her and the crazy woman has taken a hint.

    When Momma Bear has spoken, (thats you girlie) that is final. No questions asked. Wether she feels it is "barbaric" YOU are the mom now and mom knows what is best for her LO. Regardless of what anyone says.

    Good Luck!!! 

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    Wow. Just wow.

    I mean I get the "why don't you give him water" comments from my MIL and "she loves to wisk him away and burp him or "try to calm him down"

    but swaddling barbaric? really? wow!!!!!

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    Woman is crazy!



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    She is nuts. Try not to let her get to you.
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    I guess most of us on this board and on the bump and new moms in general are all barbarians then.

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    Swaddling is recommended by doctors. I should send you my discharge papers from the NICU, where swaddling is mentioned a billion times and then some. It's calming, not barbaric.

    I would throat punch your MIL. I'm curious to see what happens when you guys continue to ignore her. Will she sneak in and steal all the blankets? haha

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    Wow she is just NUTS!  I feel sorry for you ladies with crazy MILs.  Try to ignore her.  Your baby not hers!!!
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    Yeah, my mom keeps making comments about how babies must feel so trapped and uncomfortable when they're swaddled. Because "they are used to floating free in the womb". I kid you not.
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    Yeah, my mom keeps making comments about how babies must feel so trapped and uncomfortable when they're swaddled. Because "they are used to floating free in the womb". I kid you not.

    Because wombs are as big as the penthouse suite at the plaza? Totally roomy and free!

    OP, your MIL is a nut. My MIL started that with DD1 and DH basically told her we'll parent how we see fit and she should butt out. I'm glad your DH stuck up for you, but if she's going to do this about everything, he needs to tell her in no uncertain terms that you will no longer be opening emails from her. She got her shot at parenting, now you get yours. Sorry you have to deal with this! Its hard enough being a new mom, you don't need the people who should be your support system constantly questioning you. 

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
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    Whatever, swaddling is much safer than tummy sleeping, which is how she most likely slept her babies. Suffocation is much more barbaric.
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    so she must find a uterus barbaric, right? b/c that is what swaddling MIMICS!
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