Babies: 9 - 12 Months

XP: good engagement stories

I had my 4 year anniversary yesterday and it got me thinking about our engagement story. Anyone have any good engagement stories?

Here's our story:He dropped the ring! :)
Yes, it is true - my husband dropped the ring. Not just on the floor or somewhere you could easily pick it up. Nope, he dropped it under a deck that had no entrance, on top of a mountain in St. Thomas hours before our cruise ship was about to depart. I am not joking...
We had been dating for 6 years and we had a cruise planned together to celebrate my graduating from nursing school. He found out about a gondola ride that took you up a mountain to overlook the ocean in St. Thomas. He decided this was going to be the place.  
The gondola ride took you 3/4 the way up the mountain and you had to walk up a path to the top for the view. There was a viewing deck at the top and he decided to propose there on the deck. He starts talking about how we have been together for 6 years and how much he loves me. My response? "Look at the view! Stop talking and get out your camera!" It was 8 in the morning. I was not expecting to be proposed to at 8 in the morning.
I hear something drop and bounce on the deck. I turn around and see him halfway on bended knee with an empty jewelry case with the most shocking face I have ever seen. "Did that just happen?!" he says. The ring had come loose in the case and fell out when he opened it. It then proceeded to bounce on the deck and fall through the slats. The deck had just been built and there was not an entrance underneath yet. 
He runs off to find help and I am standing there still not sure what just happened. I get down on my hands and knees to see 1) if I could see anything and 2) if it really was an engagement ring (I still wasn't 100% sure that he was proposing.) I finally am able to see it. Yep - it's an engagement ring alright. An engagement ring that is stuck under a deck with no entrance on top of a mountain in St. Thomas. Did I mention that it had not been insured yet?
About 20 minutes later, he comes back with the gondola operator, an extension cord, and a drill. They had to take the deck apart to get the ring back. By now, there is a crowd and my husband is embarrassed. He skips the speech he had prepared and asks me to marry him. Of course, I said yes. We then hurried back down to our cruise ship which was close to leaving. 
I don't think my husband will ever live this story down :)



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