September 2011 Moms

Ladies who've had mastitis - 2 questions

I have mastitis and started taking the meds last night. I'm starting to feel better but every time I feed Dagny off of that breast she spits up, a lot. She doesn't spit up off of the other breast and hardly ever did it before. Did you notice anything similar in your LO? I'm going to keep nursing off that side so long as she'll take it but I just wondered.

Second, did you do anything special to avoid a yeast infection? I would hate to go from mastitis to thrush...

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Re: Ladies who've had mastitis - 2 questions

  • I EP'd and had mastitis once but didn't notice DS refusing milk from the infected side.  I'm sure it's fine for her to consume.  As long as the medication your doc prescribed is safe for BFing you should be good to go!

    Prebiotics to prevent a yeast infection.  Yogurt, or prebiotic supplements!  

    I hope it clears up fast for you!

  • I also want to add, to help ease your mind about her spitting up from the one side.  The milk itself isn't impacted when you have mastitis.  The infection is in the breast tissue, not in the milk.  She might be spitting up from your letdown or if she has some gas, not because of there is anything wrong with your milk on that side!
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  • posting from my phone so forgive the lack of formatting and caps and punctuation.

    you may be having oversupply issues in the mastitis side so it could help to pump a little first before feeding her from that side. i had mastitis in both breasts so i know its no fun. but i was ep at the time bc my dd was in the nicu. i didnt do anything to avoid a yeast infection and didnt get one but probiotics are never a bad idea.

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  • My LC told me to eat 4 cups of plain yogurt per day and avoid sugars in my diet. If that's too much yogurt, an alternative is a supplement called acidophilus.
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  • Thanks ladies! I was all worried about the sodium content increase making her spit up but you all are probably correct that I'm producing/releasing more. I had been pumping/feeding more on that side trying to release the clog prior to the mastitis. I'm sure my production is up on that side now that the inflammation is down.

    I'll be going to get acidophilus to take since I don't really eat dairy.

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