February 2011 Moms

6 month old and sleep

do any of you ladies have 6 month olds (or older) that still don't STTN and never have??  I'm fine with the waking up in the night to eat, bc it's usually only once, but he's up every hour b/c he's not in someone's arms and it's driving me and DH crazy!!  I need to figure something out to get DS to sleep for more than an hour and a half at a time...and sleep training doesn't seem to be working for us!  please help!! TIA!
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Re: 6 month old and sleep

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    C has never STTN.  He is 6.5 months now and solids are well established.  He is EBF, too.  He was doing what your lo is doing a few weeks ago and he cut 2 teeth.  Do you think your lo could be teething?  How about solids?  Have you started them yet?  We are getting 5-6 hour stretches now that he is on solids 3x's a day and the teeth have come through.

    Good luck!  Hopefully it is just a phase!! 


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    We actually just started solids last week (rice and oatmeal cereals)  and are going to be going to fruits in another week...and  I thought about the teething but is it possible it could be lasting almost a month already?  He's EBF so I know that could have something to do with him not STTN yet...but I feel like he just doesn't sleep...period! 
    BFP#1 12/11/09, Natural M/C @ 15w1d 2/24/10 BFP#2 06/14/10 EDD 02/23/11 Daniel Victor arrived on his EDD 2/23/11!! BFP#3 11/9/11 EDD 7/21/12 Megz
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    My DS has never really STTN (a few random nights here and there) but he does have a pretty set schedule.  He wakes every night between 3 and 5, eats a few ounces from a bottle and then goes back to sleep until between 7 and 8, depending on how much noise we're making getting ready.  He has two teeth now and his sleep was pretty bad when those were coming in - probably waking 3-4 times per night then.

     We did discover that keeping the room pretty cold and putting him in a long sleeve onesie and a sleep sack really helped him sleep for longer stretches.  I'm surprised how cold he likes it for sleeping! 

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    My baby girl hasn't really STTN until just recently, if thats what you call it. She goes down around 8, sleeps til 5 with a few wake ups around 10ish for a paci and tuck in, and then after a bottle at 5 she sleep until around 8ish. But even that only seems to last for a few days before we have an awful night of 4-5 wake ups at least. We've tried sleep training 3 times. She's on formula and has had solids since about 5 months. Hasn't made much of a difference. We did find out recently that she has developed reflux and just started her on Prevacid. I'm hoping it helps soon.

    You are not alone lady. Hang in there.

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    This past week and this week we just started STTN, finally!  So, you are not alone.  L used to get up for a paci every couple of hours and one bottle around 2-3 and then up between 5-6.  She is eating solids great now and has been since 5 months.  I just started giving her less oz. at the night feeding from 6 down to 2(dropping an oz. each night).  She eventually stopped wanting a bottle.  She goes down around 7 and is up around 7. The room is farely cold too and she sleeps with a footed sleeper.

    It will happen, L just finally realized how to put herself back to sleep.  She is almost 7 months.

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    We had the same issue, but DS would wake up the same exact time every night. We started to stop all night feedings and he still did it. My pedi taked to us about CIO sleep training, and I thought it's not for us. We were to the point that 1 of us would sleep in DS room bc he would wak so often. He also would have to be rocked to sleep (deep sleep). We decided to do CIO sleep training, it was way easier then I thought it would be. DS now puts in self to sleep, and will only wake 1-2 times just for the binky. He sleeps from 6:30-7:30am and I couldn't be happier. It saved my sleeping life, I was so exhausted! It took 2 nights of realy crying, but after that it was just minutes. I know it's not for everyone but if you want talk more about it, I'm here! I hope your able to find something that works for your LO.

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    Sleep is something I fear will never be conquered.  L has lately woken up in the middle of the night and rolled around (awake) until she had gotten herself stuck of cried of boredome.  We do solids two times a day and have to keep our room very cool to keep her asleep in her cotton 'bodysuit' or sleep suit thingy.  Sometimes she'll wake up just once, and it will be wonderful.  If I need her to sleep, tho, I get maybe 2 hour stretches.  Usually she's up about twice through the night then awake by 7.  She just rolls too much and can't keep the paci in to soothe herself back to sleep, I think.
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    Oliver still wont do it! For the last two months we were sleep training him and he would put himself to sleep... now he is back in bed with us full time and its driving me crazy. He goes to bed at 9ish and will wake up again at 12, 2,4, and 6 to eat... i am going crazy!
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    My DD still get up twice a night for a bottle.
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