Birth Stories

XP: Elin's Birth story- Fast and furious!

Long and a little detailed for my own memory. 

 Tuesday august 16th I was 3cm and 50% effaced.  Heather stripped my membranes. <br

      Wednesday I contracted off and on all day with no real pattern developing.  She said to take some Tylenol pm and then augment in the morning with castor oil. <br>

       Thursday I woke up and the joys and headed to target for muffins and toilet paper, I knew it would be a long morning.  When we came back I went to the bathroom and lo and behold there was my mucus plug.  I literally cheered.<br>
       At 9:30 I took my first dose. Mixed 1tbl with some snickers ice cream, milk, and chocolate syrup.  It still tasted like lipstick but it was a little more masked.  I didn't feel any effects in the first hour so I took a second dose at 11:00. 
       My mom and the boys and I went for a walk around the complex.  Once we returned I started having some bm and cramping.  Around 12 my contractions began to increase in frequency. They were not painful, some were braxton hicks mixed in with the real ones. <br>
      Around 2:00 my mom suggested we go and get checked out to see what's going on.  So we load up the boys and get my luggage out of my car.  I only later realize that I forgot my cameras! Of course.  I ran back upstairs and went to the restroom where my water breaks. I grab a towel and we are on our way. <br>
      I had thought we were leaving too early, but as we drove the contractions increased in intensity and were coming every 3 minutes.  We arrived at the hospital around 2:40.  <br>
       We got checked in and taken back to our room.  The contractions were intense.  I was 4cm and 75% effaced.  I had to go on the monitors for 20 min before I could get up an walk.  Meanwhile the contractions were right on top each other and I didn't get a break. I was asking for epidural right away.  I don't think they really thought my pain was where it was. <br>
      When I was finally allowed to get off the monitors I went to the bathroom. I was feeling a little sick but after going to the bathroom I felt better.  I came out and our nurse said she would get the ball while I was waiting for the epidural.  As soon as she left the room I had a contraction that was of a whole other level. I immediately had the urge to push.  <br>
       Chris pages the nurse to the room and she checks, yep...complete! No time for an epidural.  This is where I lost control for a moment.  Picture exorcist, I feel like my head was spinning and I was totally out of control of my mind and body.
       After getting settled back in bed Heather arrives.  I must admit I was begging for drugs, I did not think I could do it! <br>
       I started pushing at 3:59 pm.  It was more pain than I had ever imagined in my life.  I couldn't escape it,and just had to push with the contractions.  The burning and pressure was awful! I continued to push, she had a little deceleration at the very end so Heather cut a small episiotomy so she could get out. A couple pushes later the greatest relief came as Elin was born! She was a big baby, 9#4 oz and 21.5 in long.  

Talking with my midwife, Heather after delivery they looked at my records and saw I went from 4-10 in 40 minutes and pushed for 28! Talk about fast, I am just glad I got here and didn't have her on the side of the interstate.


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