after talking with Marsenmmo about the fun stories in L&D, I was wondering...
did you groom before the baby was born?
I am now super commited to making sure about gardening ever since hearing the phrase "pulling a Gary Coleman or Orange Peel"...
Re: Poll: 'landscaping' before delivery?
I KNOW!! I totally asked him "why"... and I can't remember his lame answer!
If you have a c-section and haven't "groomed", they do it for you.
I did it myself, thank you very much.
Out of curiosity... just how much do they take off!?!
I have issues with body hair....
::My Blog:: ::My Pinterest::
I don't know, but she had a disposable bic in her hand and I wasn't about to find out (I had "groomed" during my entire pregnancy, so there was no need).
all of it. I however had my DH do it the night prior.. cause I did not want a nurse doing it!
Can someone please explain the Gary Coleman and Orange Peel comments? Maybe I'm naive, but... I don't get it.
I did, btw, because I figured it would make the PP stuff less messy. But I do think that my version of Hell is a bikini wax during pregnancy. DAMN.
Ditto. And I don't/can't shave. I get bad razor burn.
It is the texture left behind. Does that make sense?
One word: NAIR
Hmmm, ok, Gary Coleman makes sense, orange peel not so much but then again I am not sure I even want to think about it.
Nair down there? Sounds like it would sting big-time, but then again I haven't tried Nair since high school and I'm guessing they've changed it since then (it used to smell like perm chemicals).
This thread it cracking me up!!
I groomed throughout pg; however, the morning I went to the hospital I had NO idea I was really in labor. I seriously thought they were going to send me home- only to find out I was dilated 7+ centimeters. I immediately blushed as I realized not only had I not groomed recently, I hadn't even shaved my legs. I apologized to the L and D nurse about this and she laughed. Sigh. So, apparently I was more than a Gary I was the hairy legged screamer. Note to self: shave legs at all costs this time!
What a nice, nice DH.
What a nice, nice DH.
ha ha
as everyone knows I did!!!!!!
I was at the wax appt. going "ITS WORTH IT IT"S WORTH IT!!!?
I did not groom for most of the pg, but I did shave my legs and trim the rest the morning I was in labor.
I was glad I trimmed because the aftercare was much less messy and easier to keep clean.
Oh, for those of you that can't shave because of the bumps, invest in a trimmer, and just use it on the lowest setting (think your DH's electric razor, but don't use his, or he'll pitch a fit ;-)
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