Pregnant after 35

Anyone else with a front facing placenta (anterior)

Found out yesterday that mine was front facing.  Had to google what that meant to find the medical term (anterior).  The tech didn't say anything was a worry...didn't present it as anything more than "Oh, your placenta is front facing.  You'll appreciate that in the coming weeks."  When I asked why she mentioned that it was going to buffer me from all the kicks and jabbing the baby would be doing as he gained strength.  OK, fine, whatever.  When the doc came in, he didn't even mention it.

I'm googling and not finding very much other than talk on message boards...meaning nothing in articles, et cetera.  Some are mentioning that it increases and others are mentioning that it decreases the likelihood of c-section.  I was not told if this was a low lying or higher placenta.  I gather that it will move with me as I grow further along.  Also via google, I found that babies like to face the placenta...and mine certainly was...I know I have plenty of time for the baby to flip around and whatnot, but I'm also picking up that the more the baby is prone to face an anterior placenta that the more difficult a labor will be.

So...I guess I'm coming here to figure out if anyone else is in this position and what nuggets of information they were given. 

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Re: Anyone else with a front facing placenta (anterior)

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    I have one. I must say it is very much in the way of others feeling the baby. I am also sad that I will not really be able to see feet or hands as they sweep across the belly.  Other then that no one has mentioned that it will get in the way with birth. I think I might have read that it increases the chance of a Sunny side up baby.
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    I do and I also had one with my first pregnancy.  It supposedly makes it harder to feel the baby move, but I've felt a ton of movement with both pregnancies.

    I think it is pretty common and I never heard anything about it increasing risk of a c/s or making labor more difficult.  I did have emergency c/s with DD though.

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    I had it with both Margaux and Millie.  It doesn't hurt anything, it just makes it harder to feel kicks and wiggles early on.  
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    I have one with Ryan! :)  The only difference I can tell is it makes it harder for other people to feel him move, esp his daddy.  I don't get to see the outline of the feet or hand or even elbows but I don't think it causes me to feel him any different.  My OB said I wouldn't be any different than any other regular placenta.  I'm a FTM so I felt him later anyway, I wasn't sure what I was feeling, lol.  I was about 22 weeks when I "knew" it was the baby moving.



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    I have one this time around and didn't last time. I asked at my appt right after my anatomy scan and OB said as long as the placenta isn't covering the cervix then it's not an issue. I had a c/s last time and will again this time. Even if it was low lying, it can still move up as your uterus grows.
    I don't feel like I am feeling him any less than I did the first time. He moves constantly though.
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    I am in the same boat with the anterior placenta.  He moves.  Not as much as I would like to feel but still I can feel him sometimes.


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    So glad you posted this. The frontal placenta was mentioned during my scan too. I did not google anything on it. Thanks for the info.  I have not felt movement yet, but am kind of glad I won't feel things as much, I think that would freak me out a bit.
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    Well mine is considered anterior even though it is kind of split between the 2 (starts in front on my right side the doc said and kind of wraps towards the back).  I will say that I feel her more on my left side than my right.  I hope it doesn't stop me from seeing the hand/elbow movement etc. I hadn't heard that.  All and all I do feel her a lot now and its comforting- but still takes me by surprise sometimes!
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    I had one with my first pg - won't know for a while yet on this one b/c I'm just 8 wks along.  Honestly, this was not a big deal.  The only diff, as people have mentioned, is that I felt the movement a bit later, and it was somewhat "muffled", like there was a pillow between the baby and my belly's inside wall.  And, as the pp said, that turned out to be not so bad a thing once he got very active, b/c trust me - when he ever reached around and probed my sides with his fist, it was anything but comfortable!  :)  You will be able to see the outlines - they'll just be along the sides of your belly once the baby is grappling for more real estate inside!  ;)  I also have wondered, (no research to this effect but...), whether perhaps this might have contributed to my lack of stretch marks.  Just seems like with that extra padding, and without the sharp protrusions poking outward consistently, it may have helped.  :)  My baby was sunny-side up, and I did get a c/s - but...not b/c of how he was facing, more b/c he just never dropped very much.  I progressed to 8.5 cm, but my Ob said it would be tough to get him out with any pushing - so we opted to skip the trauma, and get him out after many hours of unproductive labor.  The odds of a c/s in relation to the placenta's positioning will depend on whether it covers your cervix- Lots of anterior placentae do not ever end up doing that.  :) 

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    I had one with my son. No problems with the pregnancy, but he was sunny-side up when I went into labor and just wouldn't engage properly in the cervix. And the pain was insane. Unfortunately, it ended up in a C-section. If I were in that situation again, I would probably try to get an ultrasound before the birth and see if I could get a midwife or acupuncturist to try and turn him around.


    Best, Wendy

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