Pregnant after 35

does baby movements slow down

Does baby movements slow down ? when they are getting ready to arrive.

My lil girl who was a fire cracker has slowed down a ton, I was wondering if this happen to you all before


Re: does baby movements slow down

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    Nope. Some of my guys got really active. My daughter was acting normal that morning. Now when I would have a contraction my second son would give me a huge kick to the ribs.
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    mine has slowed down recently and they sent me to have a nst because he has slowed down.  everything looked good but i now have to go to weekly nst's because of it.

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    My first was a big boy (9lbs) and pretty much ran out of room, so while he still moved a fair bit,the movements were smaller and less intense.  He didn't have room to wind up before he kicked or punched and didn't have room to rolling over anymore at the end.
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    Millie slowed down as she ran out of room, yeah!  

    Wow, you are almost there!  :) 

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