Special Needs

What to get 1 year old for birthday?

We are invited to a precious little boy's birthday party this Saturday and I am completely stumped for his gift. He will be turning 1 year old. He suffered a stroke before birth and has several issues from it. He can't see well at all, isn't moving independently, can't hold his head up, etc. The only toys I've seen him play with are hand-held things like stuffed animals, teethers, etc. We only see him at church, so I don't know a whole lot about him. What can we buy him? Or just give money?

Thanks so much! 

Re: What to get 1 year old for birthday?

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    DS has motor skill issues, independent play issues etc.  He LOVES Scout from Leapfrog.  You go on line and you can program it to say their name and sing songs about them.  The blue bone on his collar lights up too.  We also love the Leapfrog Books because they play music and talk and sing songs when you turn pages. 

    A lot of the LeapFrog toys are great because they light up which is great for stimulating vision.  I know they're piano will play just notes, etc. 

    Some people prefer giftcards/cash but I prefer a gift, even if we have it already because it's nice to know that people think about DS as a normal child who needs toys and things to play with not just as a special needs kid.

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
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    an outfit would be great.  my son cannot do a lot independently either so i know that cute clothes are one thing that really makes me happy (and he looks really cute lol). 

    some sensory balls or squish toys are good too.  and like Toastie said toys that light up and make sounds too. 

    i've found that when shopping for my son to not pay attention to age ranges on toys but think about what they do, what they feel like.  the noisier, the more texture, the better.

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    Thanks so much!!
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