Baby Showers

double baby shower gifts

Would you buy gifts for both mothers even if you only know one of the mothers (wife of my husband's co-worker) and the other mom you have met but never had a conversation with. (she works at the same place with husband & is the wife of my husband's ex co-worker)

Or would you buy the gift for the mom that you do know?

have you been to double baby showers? awkward or comfortable for gifts?

Re: double baby shower gifts

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    I've never been invited to one, but I think they're a terrible idea for exactly the reason you mentioned.  What if I was $15 gift friend with one of the Moms-to-be and $50 gift with the other?

    The only gracious way out, I think, is to decline the invitation and mail the gift to the Mom-to-be who you know.

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    I've been to quite a few double showers. There are always people that know both but are better friends with one or the other mothers. Generally, the gifts were being opened at the same time, so nobody noticed if you brought a gift for one and not the other. HTH.


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    EW! I would NEVER want a double baby shower. I've never heard of anyone doing that.

    And I agree with pp, what if you buy one a "better" gift than the other?!  That's just asking for feelings to get hurt!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm having the same dilemna.  I know one of the women pretty well but the other is her sister in law and while my husband knows her (he's been friends with the family for a while) I have only met her once and really don't know her.

     My mom's suggestion was to just get the one I don't really know a little outfit or something.  You can usually pick something up at TJ Maxx or Marshalls for less than $10.  I'll get something nicer/more expensive for the mom I'm friends with.

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