Pregnant after 35

Anyone with high BP?

Had my blood pressure checked yesterday (138/94) and today (141/95). Called L&D and they want me to stop by tomorrow to have them check it and my urine but don't seem super concerned. My next OB appt isn't for two weeks... Anyone else Dealt or dealing with this?
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Re: Anyone with high BP?

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    I have chronic have been on labatelol for years and continued during pregnancy.  So far, so good.  I think they have more difficulty with controlling hbp when it is pregnancy induced vs. chronic.  I had it with my son as well, and while they thought it was the beginning of pre-eclampsia, it was actually just my genetics kicking into gear during pregnancy..I also had no protein in my urine.  They still induced me at 35 weeks just to be safe...It can be pain to deal with for sure.  Best of luck!
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    And just to share...when I delivered my son mine was 180/110!  Yikes!  Yesterday, even with the stress of bleeding during pregnancy it was 130/70...not too bad.
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