August 2011 Moms

New mommas.... how are you healing?

For most of you new momma's it's been a week or more since you've gave birth (vaginally) or had a C/S. 

So... how is everything healing (down there)?

Any special recommendations for a smoother healing process? 

I definitely don't want to push myself too hard in the days after I've delivered. 

Thanks for any input! 

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Re: New mommas.... how are you healing?

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    For most of you new momma's it's been a week or more since you've gave birth or had a C/S. 

    So... how is everything healing (down there)?  Better than expected.  I have a bit of a hard time seeing my incision, but DH said it looks great.  I spent all day yesterday at SIL's wedding and reception, and I did very well.

    Any special recommendations for a smoother healing process?  For c/s, stay on top of your pain meds and don't overdo!  I literally didn't change a diaper until the boys were almost 10 days old, just because DH didn't want me jumping out of bed or trying to get up from the couch.  He took care of everything, from diapers, to preparing breast milk bottles, to laundry.  I really credit him for helping me heal so easily.

    I definitely don't want to push myself too hard in the days after I've delivered. 

    Thanks for any input! 

    GL Mandy!  Just take it easy and don't be afraid to let people help if they offer.

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    I had a c-section and recovery has been fine. My incision is almost healed, and my abdomin doesn't hurt anymore either (unless I overdo it).

    Definitely stay on top of the meds and let the nurses help you with any physical activity for the first 24 hours (getting in and out of bed, getting to the bathroom, etc.). You are almost there!!
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    I had a c-section and recovery has been way easier than I expected it to be. I am about 85% right now, and getting better all the time. I LOVE the band the hospital had me wear home, and I highly recommend you keep wearing it at home. Stay in front of your pain pills, even at home, which is harder. I slowly started spacing th pills out at 1 week PP, and I am down to taking them on an as needed basis now.


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    I had vaginal birth on Wednesday and had to get 1 stitch, I feel great! More or less it feels just a little bruised down there. It was much better than I expected, even on delivery day after the meds wore off. Less bleeding than expected too! Ice feels great in the first 48 hours. Also, the squirt bottle is your friend.
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    I gave birth Friday early morning and am still pretty sore and swollen.  But I had an episiotomy and then tore in another spot.  My main pain is from getting my tubes tied though.  Ice is good at 1st and your peri bottle will become your bestfriend
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    I had LO 6 days ago and I am feeling ok.  I had a 2nd degree tear and stitches.  I was uncomfortable the first few days and I took my pain pills and motrin and that helped a lot.  I am still having alot of "after pains" and fairly heavy bleeding.  The peri bottle is a life saver and the combo of ice packs, pads, and tucks were amazing in the hospital.  I have to admit, my hormones are totally out of whack and that is what is really getting to me.
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    Surprisingly well!  I had a very fast labor and had to go naturally this time around but everything went really smooth compared to my first born son.  My bleeding is almost gone now.  My pelvic area, around my labia is the only thing that is achy.  Other than that, no complications or complaints here.

    I have been trying to rest as much as possible too.  It's been SO helpful having my mom and dad here to help me.   

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    I had a vaginal birth 2 weeks ago and a 2nd degree tear. The tear feels like its healed (at least it doesn't hurt to sit). I'm still bleeding moderately though.
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    I had DD 23 days ago via vaginal delivery and am almost completely healed. The bleeding is almost completely gone too. I had a third degree tear and a ton of stitches.  It hurt for about 2 weeks on/off.  Like PP said take the pain medicine, use the ice packs, peri bottle, and tucks.  Those things really help.  Don't try to overdo it.  Rest a ton and only do what you can.  Also I suggest taking the colace for a while after you deliver.  I never have issues with constipation but after delivery it was very very uncomfortable to have a bowel movement for me due to my tear and episotomy.  My daughter was posterior presentation so I had horrible back labor and she scrapped my back bone.  My tail bone is bruised and I have to change positions when I sit down for a long period of time.  That is my biggest complaint at this point.  Good luck! 
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    I gave birth Friday early morning and am still pretty sore and swollen.  But I had an episiotomy and then tore in another spot.  My main pain is from getting my tubes tied though.  Ice is good at 1st and your peri bottle will become your bestfriend

    This!!! I had LO at 38 weeks exactly on 8/10/11. I had a 2nd degree episiotomy with 20-some stitches (I think the doc said she layered the repair and did it like a book) and (sorry TMI) a hemmorhoid. The nurse said it was small, I've never had one before, and it feels huge. Anyway. I would sit and refill the peri bottle and just spray. I have a sitz bath that I've yet to use. They brought it in and explained it real quick but never really followed up that I was doing it. I want to though - the nurse said it helps keep the stitches soft. More soreness than anything and actually the hemmorhoid hurts more than the stitches now. I've been able to easily tolerate the pain with only Motrin 800 every 8 hours. They gave me a script for Percocet but I'm BF'ing and don't want it to pass to LO. I've been taking Colace as well...don't want to push too hard with the stitches and stuff.

    Good luck!!

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    I gave birth vaginally on Friday morning really early.  By that morning I was doing pretty well getting around, took a shower, walking around, etc.  When I came home the next morning I did some house chores.  Yesterday we went to church and celebrated my birthday at my grandma's.  Overall, recovery has been easy breezy.  I do occasionally take my pain medicine, but the biggest pain I have is from uterine contractions when breastfeeding and sore nipples.  I have been staying on top of my stool softeners and have had no problems using the bathroom, even with stitches. After a busy weekend though, me and Hallie are taking it easy today!  Oh, and's been moderate to minimal...nothing too heavy!
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    Things seem to be healing fine and a lot faster this time around.  A nurse at the hospital suggested I use my peri bottle as I pee to ease the burn, and that defintely helps.  An alternating of pad types seem to be helping as well.  If all else fails, a thin layer of Tucks the length of the "damage" does wonders!  Don't sit too long, or stand too long.. and yes, definitely don't push yourself too hard!  I've been taking it slower this time around and it's been making a world of a difference!
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