Justin had his three year check-up yesterday. My dh took him and said the Dr. recommended starting to talk to him about this. My gosh!!! Makes you realize just how quickly they grow up. And you'd think this would be easy but I've been going over in my head how to do this. Has anyone else had this talk yet with their LO? I wish there was a book!
Re: The "good touch/bad touch" talk.
We haven't had a specific 'talk', but I've mentioned things as situations have come up. For example, Chelsea is in a phase where she loves to wear dresses, but she also loves to purposely lift them over her head in the middle of a crowded public event. So I've just told her that the areas of our body that are covered by underwear are private. I told her that only mommy, daddy, the dr, or someone we say is ok are allowed to see her there. And only for getting dressed, going potty, etc. She left it at that. I think using teachable moments at this stage is a lot more effective than trying to structure an entire conversation.