Trouble TTC


Did you get the biopsy report? 

Re: lucyspeople

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    Pulga you are so sweet to ask. I've been wanting to come on here today but have just been too upset. I found out at 9am this morning that it is GI Lymphoma. On the one hand I'm suprised b/c every vet, every specialist we saw thought it was for sure IBD and EPI. But I'm not surprised b/c she hasn't been responding to the meds properly and I just knew something more was going on.

    I left work in tears and came home to spend some time with her. I was hoping to take her to the park or go for a short walk, but she just doesn't have the energy to do much other than sleep. I spent about 90 minutes with her and then went back to work to keep my mind occupied, and then left early at 4pm today. I've been laying in the grass with her ever since. We set up our thermarests and sleeping bags in the backyard and MH and I are going to have a sleep out with her. She always loved to go camping/backpacking, and one of her favorite parts was sleeping in the tent with us... usually on top of our legs which would pin us to the ground. LOL So, we're trying to do what we can to have a little fun and keep her comfortable.

    While chemotherapy is an option, my understanding is that the prognosis isn't very good. Basically remission is 4-8 months, 1 year best case. Many owners first find  lymphoma by swollen glands so you can catch it early. Lucy's is in her small intestine, so there were no outward signs and we think its probably pretty far along. So, we've decided the best thing for her is to put her down. We're heartbroken. Really Lucy has been the only constant in my life over the past 8 years. I've had some really rough times and she was my best companion through it all. I can't imagine life without her but I don't want her to be in any pain. I don't know much about pain in cancer, but I can't imagine its painfree. Our thoughts now are to put her down Saturday morning just because we both have such busy days tomorrow. I hope that isn't being selfish.

    So, all you pet lovers on here, go give your furbabies and furry friends an extra belly rub, squeeze, ear nuzzle and kiss from us. Sorry for such a long post (I've had a few of those lately!) but once I started it just came flowing out.


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    I don't post often, more of a lurker, but I'm in tears for you and Lucy. 

    I hope you have a good night camping and I hope she feels all the love you have for her. I will be sure to give my Mokie extra snuggles tonight. I'm so sorry you have to go through this difficult time.

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    ::butting in::

    So, so sorry to 'hear' this, I can't imagine what you're going through right now. T&Ps are with you all right now.

    IUI#3 brought us our dragon baby Z

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    TTCAL January 2015 Siggy Challenge: Animal Snow Interactions 

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    Oh no!  My heart is breaking for you!  I have tears in my eyes from reading your update, and I just had to call my dog over to me.  Your backyard camping with Lucy sounds like a great way to honor her, and spend the time you have left with her.  I will be thinking about you guys.
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    I am so sorry to hear this. I'm sending lots of hugs your way.
    BFP # 2 9/25/14
    Official Due Date 5/29/15 & HB 143 on 10/13; 11/25 Harmony Results perfect & it's a Girl!

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Premature Baby tickersimage

    Off BCP 5/2009
    TTC since July 2010
    DH's SA = Normal!
    Hysteroscopy 2/2011
    50mg Clomid / Progesterone 77.5 April 2011 = BFN
    25mg Clomid / Progesterone 53 May 2011= BFN
    25mg Clomid / Progesterone 44.3 June 2011= BFN
    5mg Femara / Progesterone 15.7 July 2011= BFN
    5mg Femara / Progesterone 14 August 2011= BFN
    5mg Femara + Crinone / Progesterone 32 September 2011=BFN
    5mg Femara + Crinone / Progesterone 14.9 October 2011=BFN
    First RE Appointment 11/2011
    Hysteroscopy 11/2011 & on Med break
    12/2011 Diagnosed with PCOS (Insulin Resistant)
    12/2011 Adding 1000 MG Metformin per day
    12/14/11 BFP
    Beta #1 664 Beta #2 3330 Beta #3 6160 Beta #4 19546
    Official Due Date 8/18/12 & HB 147 on 1/3; HB 171on  1/19
    Pre-term labor @ 29W bed-rest till Emergency C-Section


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    Oh my goodness. Girl I'm literally crying with you! I'm so so sorry! I've had to put down a cat before- he was 2 years old and had FIP. It is not selfish. If Lucy is in pain and you can't cure her it is really the best thing for her. It would actually be selfish IMHO trying to hold on to her while she is miserable. I was afraid of this after you hadn't posted about it all day. I'm really sorry. I know the pain you are going through. Ts and Ps for you all :( 

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    My T&Ps are with you.  Camping sounds like a great way to spend your last days with her.  There were tears in my eyes while reading your post. 
    Fibroid Removal: 2/09 size of a tennis ball
    TTC: 4/01/10 (Got off BCP after 10 years)
    First RE Visit: 4/11
    Bloodwork,u/s: Normal, small pee sized fibroid in same spot as last one.
    MFI: SA #1: mobility and numbers good, morphology 3%
    SA #2: morphology 0%
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    BCP: 5/31/11 Continuous till IVF
    IVF#1: Stims Start 9/11
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    jb2rnjb2rn member
    Oh, B I am in tears. I am so sorry. I just gave my Barley a big hug. I am going to email you now.
    b/w=FSH 15.6, AMH 0.4 surprise natural BFP on 3/12/11
    DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d


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