Trouble TTC

? for those who took prometrium...

why did you start it?

what days did you take it?

what was your dosage?


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Re: ? for those who took prometrium...

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    I am on prometrium now. I started taking it because I have LPD/low p from poor egg quality. I take it the everyday( preferably in the morning) starting from the day after either TI or IUI until 14dpo. I then test for pregnancy and if negative I stop the prometrium and AF shows about 2 days later. It stops my period from starting on it's own. I am on 200mg a day.
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    What's your plan? I still can't decide if I'm going to ask for b/w or a script. Maybe I'll see what he says first and then ask.

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    why did you start it? I have an irregular LP where I will spot heavily on and off until AF comes.  This helps sustain things so if implantation occurs, it sticks!

    what days did you take it? From day 14 - 28

    what was your dosage? 200mg oral.  I take it at night because it makes me really sleepy.

    Brandon Le born 9/9/13 as a result of IVF#1

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    RicolaRicola member

    why did you start it? I was diagnosed with LPD by my RE, since my LP was consistently only 11 days long

    what days did you take it? Starting at 3 DPO until testing at 14 DPO

    what was your dosage? 200 mg vaginally before bedtime


    DS born 12/2011
    DD born 03/2014

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    I have an LPD. I started Prometrium with my medicated IUI's. My progesterone was much lower than they wanted to see with Clomid. I also needed them during my pregnancy (which ended in m/c, not progesterone-related).

    I start them at 3dpo. My first IUI, I didn't start them until 7dpo; now my RE goes ahead with them from the beginning.

    I took 200mg vaginally with my first IUI, and 400mg with my second.

    Started TTC 2/2009
    Started fertility treatments 11/2010
    Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
    6 failed medicated IUI's
    Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
    Decided to adopt - 6/2012
    SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012 
    Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
    Decided to be "One and Done"

    ....OR NOT.
    Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
    Here we go again...
    Due 8/26/19!
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    I have an LPD. I started Prometrium with my medicated IUI's. My progesterone was much lower than they wanted to see with Clomid. I also needed them during my pregnancy (which ended in m/c, not progesterone-related).

    I start them at 3dpo. My first IUI, I didn't start them until 7dpo; now my RE goes ahead with them from the beginning.

    I took 200mg vaginally with my first IUI, and 400mg with my second.

    I have LPD and low P.  The RE didn't mention Prometrium yet.  Is it typical to wait to see how Clomid affects P before starting Prometrium? I feel like I should be asking about this when AF comes. 

    TTC #1 since October 2010.
    Dx with Seminal allergy 4/2010.
    Low Progesterone (7/2011)
    Hypothalamic disorder/Luteal Phase Defect (7/2011)
    HSG normal (8/11)
    DH's S/A: Normal
    IUI #1 (50 mg Clomid + Noveral)= BFN
    IUI # 2 (100 mg Clomid + Noveral) October 2011
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