Trouble TTC

My Story

I've been TTC for 2 years and hope that my story will help, support and give strength to women who are just like me.

~Baby or Bust in Boston 

Re: My Story

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    I don't understand the point of your post.  Is this supposed to be your intro?  Are you wanting to become an active member of this board?  We are all going through the same stuff so your story alone isn't helpful.  If you'd like to be supportive of other women in your situation and be a part of this board...then welcome!

    After more than 2 years of fertility treatments, FET did the trick!
    IVF March 2012 - BFP! - Severe OHSS = 8 days in the hospital in kidney failure
    No heartbeat at 10w6d
    FET August 27,2012 = BFP!
    It's a boy!
    My Blog - 3 Dogs, No Baby

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm confused. Is this your intro? Are you joining this board? If so, welcome.

    If not, then WTH? Are you trying to inspire us by sharing a story that 90% of us could have written ourselves? Are you just trying to get more blog hits? Do you get paid for your blog? 

    I don't get it.

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    I was thinking I was the only one thinking this.  I don't get it either, but I thought I was missing something.  Make an effort to post a real intro, not a cheap plug for your blog.

    TTC #1 since 06/2010 
    Diagnosed with PCOS 6/2011, uterine septum resection 4/2012 
    After 4 miscarriages, Clomid and TI brought us our beautiful baby girl on 8/14/13! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm trying to share my story, a blog is a place to do that. You all don't need to be mean and attack me for that.  This is a different avenue, same thing. Thanks so much to you all!
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    I'm trying to share my story, a blog is a place to do that. You all don't need to be mean and attack me for that.  This is a different avenue, same thing. Thanks so much to you all!

    I'm going to say this as nicely as possible, so read carefully.

    We share our stories, build relationships and talk to each other here. We don't just AW our story and run. I do read blogs (and I would like to think some people read mine...if I were to update it more often), but I read the blogs of those people who I've built relationships with and come to care about.

    As for inspiration, there are plenty of ladies here who have "graduated" from this board who return for check-ins and updates, and still support us in our ongoing journey. 

    Finally, no one was mean to you. We were confused by your intentions from your cryptic post and pushing your blog on us.

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    I'm trying to share my story, a blog is a place to do that. You all don't need to be mean and attack me for that.  This is a different avenue, same thing. Thanks so much to you all!
    It was not my intention to be mean. I asked a question about what your intentions of posting here were. How is that mean? We are a group of women that support each other and not just talk about ourselves. Like I said before, if you have things you'd like to add to this board that will be supportive of others then great. If you just want to post about yourself then I think you are on the wrong board. As PP mentioned, I read plenty of blogs. However, I'm interested in blogs of ladies who I feel like I know and have been supportive of MY STORY as well. If that's rude or mean then so be it.

    After more than 2 years of fertility treatments, FET did the trick!
    IVF March 2012 - BFP! - Severe OHSS = 8 days in the hospital in kidney failure
    No heartbeat at 10w6d
    FET August 27,2012 = BFP!
    It's a boy!
    My Blog - 3 Dogs, No Baby

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm trying to share my story, a blog is a place to do that. You all don't need to be mean and attack me for that.  This is a different avenue, same thing. Thanks so much to you all!

    I'm going to say this as nicely as possible, so read carefully.

    We share our stories, build relationships and talk to each other here. We don't just AW our story and run. I do read blogs (and I would like to think some people read mine...if I were to update it more often), but I read the blogs of those people who I've built relationships with and come to care about.

    As for inspiration, there are plenty of ladies here who have "graduated" from this board who return for check-ins and updates, and still support us in our ongoing journey. 

    Finally, no one was mean to you. We were confused by your intentions from your cryptic post and pushing your blog on us.


    I agree, OP, no one was mean to you.  These message boards are a place to interact and discuss issues we are all dealing with.  Having us read your blog for inspiration is not a great way to do that.  I welcome you to intro yourself and participate in the conversations, there are some very supportive women on this board.

    TTC #1 since 06/2010 
    Diagnosed with PCOS 6/2011, uterine septum resection 4/2012 
    After 4 miscarriages, Clomid and TI brought us our beautiful baby girl on 8/14/13! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    It seems like there is some confusion here so I apologize for whatever part my post played in this confusion.  All that I am trying to do is direct people to my blog where women can see that they are not alone in this journey.  There are more of us out there.  I understand what purpose a message board can play and I think that my blog can serve a different purpose.  That is all.  If this is somewhat controversial, all that you can do is ignore my post.  My hope was that other women who are enduring the same thing as I am can share their story with me and they can read my story as a means of supporting eachother.

    To the people who have posted to this, you all claim to be a supportive community but you are dismissing a member of that community who is trying to help and looking for her own supportive community.  I would have thought that women who are going through the same situation would be supportive without question and without any sense of exclusivity.  Thank you very much for "welcoming" me and my honest story with open arms. 

    For all of those people who do want to read my story, thank you.  I hope that reading it is as helpful for you as it was cathartic for me to type it up.  I also hope that you will feel welcome enough to post whatever feelings you have and/or share your own blogs, if you haven't already.  I think that we can all help each other out, whether that is through these message boards or by opening our online hearts to each other through our blogs.

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    It seems like there is some confusion here so I apologize for whatever part my post played in this confusion.  All that I am trying to do is direct people to my blog where women can see that they are not alone in this journey.  There are more of us out there.  I understand what purpose a message board can play and I think that my blog can serve a different purpose.  That is all.  If this is somewhat controversial, all that you can do is ignore my post.  My hope was that other women who are enduring the same thing as I am can share their story with me and they can read my story as a means of supporting eachother.

    To the people who have posted to this, you all claim to be a supportive community but you are dismissing a member of that community who is trying to help and looking for her own supportive community.  I would have thought that women who are going through the same situation would be supportive without question and without any sense of exclusivity.  Thank you very much for "welcoming" me and my honest story with open arms. 

    For all of those people who do want to read my story, thank you.  I hope that reading it is as helpful for you as it was cathartic for me to type it up.  I also hope that you will feel welcome enough to post whatever feelings you have and/or share your own blogs, if you haven't already.  I think that we can all help each other out, whether that is through these message boards or by opening our online hearts to each other through our blogs.

    I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of community as it applies in this sense. Yes, all the ladies on this board are members of the IF/TTTC community. But, they have formed their own sub-community by posting on this board and getting to know each other's stories and lives. When one of them has a blog, the others will read it because they know her and care more about what's going on. While they understand your plight, your story doesn't mean a whole lot to them because it isn't so different from their own.

     Ladies, I know I don't post on here much anymore, but I totally got what you were trying to say to this gal as I have been apart of the community and this gal was sort of getting on my nerves pimping her own blog, so I had to speak up.

    Proud Doxie Mommy

    TTC #1 since Sept. 2009 - DX unexplained IF March 2011 - "Surprise" BFP March 2012
    DS born via c-section 11/17/12
    TTC #2 (or, not TTA) Nov. 2013
    BFP #2 8/22/14, Missed M/C 6w2d, Discovered 7w4d/Official 8w6d, D&C 9/27/14
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    I can't believe how hurtful you are willing to be.  I put something out there that I thoght people would value and I hoped would lead me to some new understanding and all that you can do is shun me. 

    If you disagree with my posts and my blog, why is it so hard for you to just ignore them?  Why do you feel that you have to bully a new member?  As if what I am going through is not hard enough.  It is because of women like you that people don't speak up and share their stories.  It is also because of women like you that make it so hard for women to get along with each other.  I hope you are all proud of the fact that you have left me crying over my keyboard.  I put my personal feelings out there.  Left vulnerable, I am abandoned by the people I reached out to for help.  To the women who have posted here, thank you for making the bump another exclusive clique.

    I am afraid if I go on any further, I will be just as guilty as you are for attacking my fellow women who are dealing with some of the same troubles that I am.

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    I can't believe how hurtful you are willing to be.  I put something out there that I thoght people would value and I hoped would lead me to some new understanding and all that you can do is shun me. 

    If you disagree with my posts and my blog, why is it so hard for you to just ignore them?  Why do you feel that you have to bully a new member?  As if what I am going through is not hard enough.  It is because of women like you that people don't speak up and share their stories.  It is also because of women like you that make it so hard for women to get along with each other.  I hope you are all proud of the fact that you have left me crying over my keyboard.  I put my personal feelings out there.  Left vulnerable, I am abandoned by the people I reached out to for help.  To the women who have posted here, thank you for making the bump another exclusive clique.

    I am afraid if I go on any further, I will be just as guilty as you are for attacking my fellow women who are dealing with some of the same troubles that I am.

    I think by posting on this board, every single one of us has shared our story in some way.

    Sorry you are having a hard time TTC, but we all are, which is why we are here.  I dont think its fair to say that this board isnt supportive just because people asked you a question about the purpose of your post.

    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
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    I can't believe how hurtful you are willing to be.  I put something out there that I thoght people would value and I hoped would lead me to some new understanding and all that you can do is shun me. 

    If you disagree with my posts and my blog, why is it so hard for you to just ignore them?  Why do you feel that you have to bully a new member?  As if what I am going through is not hard enough.  It is because of women like you that people don't speak up and share their stories.  It is also because of women like you that make it so hard for women to get along with each other.  I hope you are all proud of the fact that you have left me crying over my keyboard.  I put my personal feelings out there.  Left vulnerable, I am abandoned by the people I reached out to for help.  To the women who have posted here, thank you for making the bump another exclusive clique.

    I am afraid if I go on any further, I will be just as guilty as you are for attacking my fellow women who are dealing with some of the same troubles that I am.

    Ok, not cool AT ALL!  Originally, everyone responded to you by saying that you are welcome on this board. We were wondering if you were planning to join in our conversations, or only to give your blog link. When you came back and "apologized" for the confusion, you told us that you felt unwelcome here. Believe me when I say that this board welcomes everyone and supports everyone here.

    For the bolded part, shame on you. Every post here welcomed you, even though you made it clear that you didn't want to be a part of this community. You wanted to be high and mighty and "help" us in our hour of need. You were told very nicely that we all help and support each other, and you were welcome to be a part of this community. And, you have the nerve to attack us, and blame us for your feelings. I'm sorry you are hurting, but NO ONE was mean to you...even after you made it clear that your only intention was to pimp your blog and that you had no desire to be a part of this community.


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    I can't believe how hurtful you are willing to be.  I put something out there that I thoght people would value and I hoped would lead me to some new understanding and all that you can do is shun me. 

    If you disagree with my posts and my blog, why is it so hard for you to just ignore them?  Why do you feel that you have to bully a new member?  As if what I am going through is not hard enough.  It is because of women like you that people don't speak up and share their stories.  It is also because of women like you that make it so hard for women to get along with each other.  I hope you are all proud of the fact that you have left me crying over my keyboard.  I put my personal feelings out there.  Left vulnerable, I am abandoned by the people I reached out to for help.  To the women who have posted here, thank you for making the bump another exclusive clique.

    I am afraid if I go on any further, I will be just as guilty as you are for attacking my fellow women who are dealing with some of the same troubles that I am.

    Ok, not cool AT ALL!  Originally, everyone responded to you by saying that you are welcome on this board. We were wondering if you were planning to join in our conversations, or only to give your blog link. When you came back and "apologized" for the confusion, you told us that you felt unwelcome here. Believe me when I say that this board welcomes everyone and supports everyone here.

    For the bolded part, shame on you. Every post here welcomed you, even though you made it clear that you didn't want to be a part of this community. You wanted to be high and mighty and "help" us in our hour of need. You were told very nicely that we all help and support each other, and you were welcome to be a part of this community. And, you have the nerve to attack us, and blame us for your feelings. I'm sorry you are hurting, but NO ONE was mean to you...even after you made it clear that your only intention was to pimp your blog and that you had no desire to be a part of this community.


    This is exactly what I meant to say.  If I came across as mean, I apologize.  You say you are a new member but all of your posts have given the impression that you don't intend to be an active supportive "member" here.  My impression was that you wanted us to read your blog but you weren't interested in learning anything about us, our stories, or our struggles.  If I got the wrong impression I'm sorry.

    After more than 2 years of fertility treatments, FET did the trick!
    IVF March 2012 - BFP! - Severe OHSS = 8 days in the hospital in kidney failure
    No heartbeat at 10w6d
    FET August 27,2012 = BFP!
    It's a boy!
    My Blog - 3 Dogs, No Baby

    BabyFruit Ticker
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