Trouble TTC

I'm a big wimp!

I started injectables last night and I was super nervous.  I don't like needles at all to the point where I passed out in a doctor's office one time.  I even put a hole in their wall from where my head hit it on the way down.  So imagine me and DH standing in our kitchen, follistim pen all ready and belly pinched.... just standing there shaking with this needle pointed at myself!  I couldn't do it - I totally wimped out!! 

Thank god for DH!  He laughed it off and calmly told me to lie down on the couch.  I closed my eyes and it was over in 2 seconds.  I didn't even feel the needle.

I know most people probably aren't as extreme as I am with needles (and blood - can't stand that either!).  Do you give yourself injections or does your DH help you out, too?


Trying for #1 since May 2010   l   DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011

IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks

November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!

Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26

1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12 :)   **TEAM GREEN!**

Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Trying for #2

FET #1 - October '13 - c/p   l   FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled :(   l   FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN

~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~

Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14 :)    **TEAM GREEN!**

Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: I'm a big wimp!

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    You are not a wimp at all! (But I must admit, my jaw dropped at your "hole in the wall from your head" story- that's terrible! I hope you were OK afterwards...)

    I just started injects also. I had previously done my hCG alone and so I thought I would be fine. The first day I was great- but then it burned like crazy. The second day I remembered the burning and got really light headed and dizzy when I went to insert the needle. DH offered to do it after that, but I just ended up doing it myself. 

    I'm glad your DH was able to come to the rescue and help make it easier for you!

    "I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted what I asked of him." ~1 Samuel 1:27
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    "Whatever it takes, we walk together." ~Pittsburgh Penguins
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    You are not a wimp! Its a tough and emotional thing to deal with. My husband gives me my injectibles & I just turn my head. Its all a mind over matter for me.

     Good Luck!!!

    Me-Diagnosed With PCOS - Hubby-Has Super Swimmers :)
    TTC#1 Since March 2011
    March/April 2011 - 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFN
    May 2011 & June 2011 - 150mg Clomid = No Response
    July 2011 - Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI#1(8/1/11)= BFN
    August 2011 - Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI#2 (8/30/11)=BFN
    October 2011 - Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI#3 (10/23/11) = BFP!!
    Beta#1(11/7/11)=250 Beta#2(11/9/11)=487 Beta#3(11/17/11)=6500

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    ccamccam member

    You are not a wimp at all! (But I must admit, my jaw dropped at your "hole in the wall from your head" story- that's terrible! I hope you were OK afterwards...)

    I just started injects also. I had previously done my hCG alone and so I thought I would be fine. The first day I was great- but then it burned like crazy. The second day I remembered the burning and got really light headed and dizzy when I went to insert the needle. DH offered to do it after that, but I just ended up doing it myself. 

    I'm glad your DH was able to come to the rescue and help make it easier for you!

    Haha...I was fine once I came to, but the wall definitely was not!!  So embarassing.


    Trying for #1 since May 2010   l   DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011

    IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks

    November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!

    Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26

    1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12 :)   **TEAM GREEN!**

    Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Trying for #2

    FET #1 - October '13 - c/p   l   FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled :(   l   FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN

    ~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~

    Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14 :)    **TEAM GREEN!**

    Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    You are not a wimp! It is tough to psyche yourself up to inject yourself. Thank goodness I'm only dealing with the sub-q needles -- I don't know how the intra-muscular ladies do it.
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    You are not a wimp, needles are scary! I have to get imitrex shots for migraines all the time and they are made to give to yourself but I just can't do it. I get so scared. I used to take the shot in the leg and MH always gives it to me. We would sit there with the shot in hand for about 30 min with me crying hysterically before I would let him give it to me. I just cover my eyes with a pillow, pet my doggy, and go to a happy place. (now I take the shot in the arm which is much easier to turn around and ignore the shot than the leg and belly). GL on the rest of the shots.
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    DH does the shots when he is home, but I've done a few by myself.  I will admit he is way better at them since I have a tendency to hesitate.  He is an RN so he is an old pro though. 

    TTC since 2010

    lots of IUIs and 1 IVF all BFNs

    FET currently on hold

    photo guiness-1.jpg

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    I can totally relate. I always have to warn the dr. whenever giving blood or getting a shot, I have a history of fainting with needles and blood. I have gotten alot better though over the past couple of years. I started injects 2 weeks ago and I refuse to give them to myself, I just can't bring myself to do it. Luckily DH has no problem giving them to me!! I have to look away and close my eyes real Right now I'm doing the sub-q ones, but in the next 2 weeks or so I will be doing a few intra-muscular ones....I can't even imagine how that process is going to go!!

    Good Luck, it's all worth it in the end!!!

    TTC since 1/10
    First RE appt 5/11
    Dx w/ Stage IV Endo
    IVF #1 July/Aug 2011. Long lupron protocol ER 8/8 ET 8/11 = BFN
    IVF #2 - Postponed due to cyst/endo. Lap scheduled for 9/11
    **P/SAIF welcome**
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    ~~~September Siggy Challenge~~~
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    ccamccam member

    I can totally relate. I always have to warn the dr. whenever giving blood or getting a shot, I have a history of fainting with needles and blood. I have gotten alot better though over the past couple of years. I started injects 2 weeks ago and I refuse to give them to myself, I just can't bring myself to do it. Luckily DH has no problem giving them to me!! I have to look away and close my eyes real Right now I'm doing the sub-q ones, but in the next 2 weeks or so I will be doing a few intra-muscular ones....I can't even imagine how that process is going to go!!

    Good Luck, it's all worth it in the end!!!

    I have to do the same thing.  And DH always comes in the room with me when he's there! 


    Trying for #1 since May 2010   l   DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011

    IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks

    November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!

    Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26

    1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12 :)   **TEAM GREEN!**

    Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Trying for #2

    FET #1 - October '13 - c/p   l   FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled :(   l   FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN

    ~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~

    Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14 :)    **TEAM GREEN!**

    Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    My DH gives me all of my shots. I'd never be able to do it myself. We always sit down on the sofa to do it and I stare at the same spot on the ceiling every time!
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    ccamccam member
    At least I don't feel like such a baby anymore... thanks guys Big Smile


    Trying for #1 since May 2010   l   DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011

    IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks

    November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!

    Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26

    1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12 :)   **TEAM GREEN!**

    Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Trying for #2

    FET #1 - October '13 - c/p   l   FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled :(   l   FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN

    ~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~

    Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14 :)    **TEAM GREEN!**

    Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Oh my gosh! So glad you were okay after you fell! I get dizzy sometimes with needles too. I am sure it will get easier the more you do it. Good luck this cycle :)
    Dx: Unexplained Infertility

    TTC #1 
    IUI's #1 - #3 Clomid = BFN's, IUI #4 Follistim = BFP
    Grayson arrived via emergency c-section on 7/28/12!

    TTC #2 
    IUI's #1 - #4 Follistim = BFN's
    IVF #1 w/ ICSI + PGS: Lupron/Follistim/Menopur
    ER 4/13 - 19R, 13F, 4 PGS tested embryos, 1 normal
    5/14 FET: BFP. Beta #1: 123, Beta #2: 327, Beta #3: 854
    Cora arrived 1/23/15 via RCS!
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    My DH does all my injections.  I tried the first night with a HCG trigger shot and couldn't do it.  We have it down to a routine now.  GL.
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