totally baby steps for me... LOL
I bought our car seat, in part because I figured it was one of the most important things initially, and in part because it was on sale.
My ILs paid for our crib (ordered but not here yet) and DH's aunts and uncles got together to buy our stroller.
Those are really our biggest "big ticket items". Now I'm trying to decide if I should start buying other things. Everything is on our registry (in part because I wasn't sure what DH's family would choose to buy), but I don't really anticipate any other big gifts from people... at least I don't think so.
I am having a shower, but it's not until the last week of July.
Tonight I was looking at the bassinet I want to get for our bedroom.... It's $20 off at Target. (Wonder if they have it in the store... I can save on shipping....)
What are you definitely just buying and what are you waiting to see if anyone gifts it to you? What are you waiting to buy until your completion coupon? (My bassinet wouldn't fit into this category because I'm registered at BRU and they don't carry it...)
Re: Starting to make purchases....