Cincinnati Babies

s/o registry- please rec your

Speaking of registries, I am working on mine too! I decided on amazon (for the cloth diapers mostly) and bru. I am stuck after reading pages of reviews on these items, so please help me and recommend your:

#1- video monitor

#2- bottles. okay i'm completely overwhelemed with all the bottle choices. I do plan to try to bf but I want to have some on hand as I pick a couple of various brands to try or ???

#3- does anyone have the City Mini stroller? How do you like it? I think I've decided that's the one I like the best. Which accessories do you have and which would you pass up?

Jenn & Jason
September 27, 2008
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: s/o registry- please rec your

  • I registered for the Medela bottles because I knew for sure that they compatible with my pump.  Maddie ended up liking them and we've never had any issues.  I have heard from many many people that Dr. Brown's are the best if your baby has reflux issues.  Honestly, I wouldn't stock up on a a ton because you don't know what your baby will like, and if s/he ends up not liking the ones you bought, you are stuck.  Either that, or don't open the packages before hand and keep your receipts.

    Good luck!  It's hard registering! 

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  • 1.  No suggestions, we don't have one.

    2.  We've used playtex drop ins with both boys and they've been great.  There are less parts to clean than some other bottles.  You can buy generic liners at Target.

    3.  We have the City Mini.  It's very nice, DS #1 has been comfy in it, it's very easy to push around.  The only downfalls are that you have to buy accessories separately (cup holder, snack tray).  And it also doesn't have the greatest basket, you can't fit much more than a small diaper bag down there.  We prefer to use our Graco travel system stroller when we go to places like the zoo, but we use the mini on walks and quick shopping trips.

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  • 1 - We have the summer infant Day and Night and have been happy with it. 

    2 - I would just buy one kind, don't buy a ton, and if they don't work you can try something else. We used playtex dropins, but I've heard good things about Dr. Brown's as well.  The dropins are nice because you can just pitch the liner and there is less to clean, though you have to buy liners.

    Can't help you though with #3.

  • imagejenn1981:

    Speaking of registries, I am working on mine too! I decided on amazon (for the cloth diapers mostly) and bru. I am stuck after reading pages of reviews on these items, so please help me and recommend your:

    #1- video monitor  We didn't get one of these so I'm no help.

    #2- bottles. okay i'm completely overwhelemed with all the bottle choices. I do plan to try to bf but I want to have some on hand as I pick a couple of various brands to try or ???  We tried a couple different kinds but ened up really liking Dr. Brown's.  The babies had reflux and the bottles seemed to help a little.  My only advice on bottles is that I don't think it's worth the money to get 4oz bottles when they won't be using them all that long.  I thought our money was better spent on 8oz bottles that they would grow into.  That's just my opinion.  Others may have reasons that they are worth it.

    #3- does anyone have the City Mini stroller? How do you like it? I think I've decided that's the one I like the best. Which accessories do you have and which would you pass up?   We passed on the City Mini because the basket underneath is very small and you have to buy everything seperatly (cup holder, tray, etc.).  I am of the mindset if I am paying $400+ (that's for the double) for a stroller it should come with all the bells and whistles.

    Registering can be overwhelming but try to have fun with it!!

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  • #1 - We have the Summer monitor.  We didn't get it till L was older though and we wanted to be able to see if he was getting out of his bed.  I think it is one of those things you can put off for awhile.

    #2 - I wouldn't buy many until you know if you need them or what kind your baby will need.

    #3 - We have the city mini and although it is so easy to push/steer/fold, I don't love it for babies.  M always sinks down in it b/c there is no support in the back.  Once they can sit up on their own I love it. 

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  • We swear by Dr. Brown's bottles - Nolan has reflux & they are great. They are a PIA to wash so many parts but well worth it for a happy & healthy baby.

    I don't have really good opinions on the other two things. I don't even know what kind of monitor we have as that was the one thing I told Kevin he could pick out since it was in the electronics department. However - it's never even been turned on. We have a pretty small house & the fact that Nolan co-sleeps with us makes it a non-use item. I've heard good things about the City mini but don't have one. We went with the Chicco travel system & while bulky - I LOVE it. 

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  • #2 - We registered for Avent bottles and also received Playtex drop-ins. However, when it came time to introduce a bottle, I used the one that came with my Medela breastpump and she was happy with that. We bought a bunch more of those and the Avent and Playtex sit in the pantry, unused. I was in a state of panic before the baby was born and took all the bottles out of the packaging and sterilized them, so I couldn't return anything. I'd suggest just waiting until you know what the baby likes.

    #3 - Yes, and I LOVE it. We have the little Sunshine Kids basket from amazon but that's it.  You can also get a bar that attaches so you can use it for your carseat, which I would do if I were you, or else I'd get a snap-n-go stroller. The snap-n-go is almost the same price as just the bar accessory and it's so easy and lightweight. If you plan on traveling while the baby is 8 months or younger, I'd definitely recommend a snap-n-go stroller in addition to the City Mini. The City Mini is also a little big for an infant younger than about 5 months.

  • #1- video monitor

    We have this one:

    Since we started DD in her crib early, we wanted to be able to see if she was really up or just fussing in her sleep.  I like this one a lot.  You do two way and talk to the baby.  The picture is really good too.  I would get it again.

    #2- bottles. We pump and have used a few different kinds.  Every nipple besides the playtex drop ins went to fast for her. Every baby is different.  There isn't one bottle that is best for every kid.  Find one that you think you might like and see if baby likes it.  For us, the drop ins are great.  I know that it's clean, and I buy liners at Target too.  We have a ton of the cheapo walmart bottles, but only because they fit the Medela pump. 

    #3- Nope. 

  • thank you all for being so helpful!!
    Jenn & Jason
    September 27, 2008
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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