Pregnant after a Loss

Day dreaming about...

image??? Baby Jane born sleeping @ 22.5 weeks ??? MY OWN NUTSHELL -- The Blog
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Re: Day dreaming about...

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    Omg that looks so good. I am totally having mac and cheese for lunch.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Yummy, yummy, yummy!  I swear, your cravings and aslo Ginger's always make me salivate and seem like they would totally hit the spot.  DH drove me to work today, so I might be stuck with super-gross hospital cafeteria food....boooooo! =(

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    BFP 12/05/10 (EDD 8/8/11), empty gestational sac 12/31/10, natural miscarriage 01/05/11
    BFP 03/03/11, EDD 11/09/11, We love you so much already, our sweet little munchkin!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    *Congrats to buddies MrsAtch, cflocco, MommyandKate, luckylady55, opallover, trishiepoo, stephsteph77, and Pachita! Praying for healthy babies for all of you!*
    *Congrats to my buddy, Izabella22 (BFP 5/11/11)!!!Sending you Ts and Ps for a healthy, take-home baby!
    *Congrats to my buddy, myaddiwaddi06(BFP 10/31/11)!!!Sending you Ts and Ps for a healthy, take-home baby!
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    I have needed to eat real mac and cheese at least once a week for the last few months.  Sometimes it is the only thing I can eat.  Embarrassed
    BFP #1 - Twin B lost at 5w
    Bryce Addison  I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
    Our baby boy was born sleeping on 9.17.10. He was 19w1d.
    BFP #2 - Twin B lost at 4w
    Twin A
    BFP #3 - Lost at 5w
    BFP #4 - Lost at 4w
    BFP #5

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    Shame on you for tantalizing a group of hungry pregnant women....


    Baby Blog
    BFP#1 5.27.10 DS became an angel at 21 weeks on 9.22.10
    BFP#2 4.16.11 Healthy baby girl born 12.14.11
    BFP#3 9.3.12 A healthy, bouncing baby SISTER on the way! EDD 5.12.13

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    ksulliksulli member

    Now I am too.  That looks fantastic. 

    I used to live near a resturaunt that put  a little bit of tuffle oil in and crushed ritz crackers on top of their mac & cheese. I would try to tell you how good it was, but there just aren't words.

    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
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    Oh that looks so good!!  I ate my last mac n cheese yesterday :(  I may have to get more!!
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    Dang it. I was trying to resist the two boxes of Annie's mac n' cheese in my pantry. Now I may be cooking one up for lunch!

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    I saw Pioneer Woman's recipe a few weeks ago and ever since then, I've been obsessing about her mac n' cheese. Perhaps this week, I shall cave in...
    Married 7/19/09
    MC 9/8/10
    Baby Boy Born 7/31/11
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    annnnd dry heaves. I've been having nightmares about the SOUND of mac n cheese. I can't even get paste that to think of the taste. That squishy sticky moist sound... blech
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    That looks amazing.
    The Blog

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    The brothers I Rule and OMG! with their faithful sidekickFootFoot.


    My life has a superb cast but I can't figure out the plot.
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    Welp, it's official.... I went to Noodles and Company for lunch, and got the Wisconsin Mac n Cheese. It was everything I wanted and more!
    Baby Blog
    BFP#1 5.27.10 DS became an angel at 21 weeks on 9.22.10
    BFP#2 4.16.11 Healthy baby girl born 12.14.11
    BFP#3 9.3.12 A healthy, bouncing baby SISTER on the way! EDD 5.12.13

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Welp, it's official.... I went to Noodles and Company for lunch, and got the Wisconsin Mac n Cheese. It was everything I wanted and more!

    Yum Yum Yum Yum! Had that just a few weeks ago!

    image??? Baby Jane born sleeping @ 22.5 weeks ??? MY OWN NUTSHELL -- The Blog
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    That looks so good.  Mac & cheese is the one food I miss the most after finding out about my dairy allergy. 
    TTC #1 since 8/09
    BFP#1 - 9/2/10, EDD 5/14/11, Twins Hannah and Liam lost 11/7/10 @ 13w1d.
    BFP #2 - 2/9/11, EDD 10/13/11, LO lost 2/13/11 @ 5w4d
    BFP #3 - 5/9/11, DS born 1/13/12

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    ~*~My BFP Chart~*~Our Story~*~
    ~*~Labor Buddies with Sweet Turnip - Welcome Baby Girl 2/23/12 & Aluenna - Welcome Ivy 1/6/12~*~
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    My fat ass is never having mac n cheese again.

    :: pours one out for the mac n cheese ::

    Oh come on - become a mega fatty with me! We'll lose it together starting in November :)

    image??? Baby Jane born sleeping @ 22.5 weeks ??? MY OWN NUTSHELL -- The Blog
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