I got this around tonight so thought I would post a little early...
Week 1's lesson was about basic aperature. We were to take three pictures: 1 at lowest f stop, 1 at 8, and another at the highest for your lens.
Please post the following in your homework post, either below or as your own post on the private blog:
-Camera information (add this to the "What's in your bag?" post if you haven't already.
-3 pictures
-Settings for each picture: ISO, focal length, aperature, shutter speed. If you are unsure you can most likely look up the settings of your picture in your editing software. I know I can find it on the software that came with my Nikon.
-Tag your post as "Week 1" so that it will go in the Week 1 folder. (if posting on the blog)
-Your bump screenname if different from your blogger name. (if posting on the blog).
If I'm forgetting anything, please let me know; and I'll add it in. If anyone needs any help, please let us know.
Here is week 2 to work on this coming week: https://www.twopeasinabucket.com/cg_display.asp?g=2&seed_id=26122
For anyone that hasn't officially joined our group, feel free to jump right in. The first couple of lessons relate mainly to DSLRs but the others are more about photography in general so anyone with a camera can join.
There are a couple of open invitations that I sent out that weren't accepted yet so let me know if anyone had trouble with that. Also, let me know if you still need one. I just need your email address.
Re: Two Peas: Week 1 homework & start of Week 2
<a href="http://s1103.photobucket.com/albums/g471/HealthfulMama/?action=view
Is it ok if I start? I don't have a DSLR
so, I just played a bit with my depth of focus and tried to find what setting allowed me to do different things. Since it's kind of pointless to show photos that I took on various settings, I'm just going to post the one that did what I wanted it to with the depth of focus.
well, I'll post 2. Same setting, just different distances.
Well you're not technically behind until Saturday since your homework is due tomorrow ;-) But seriously, this lesson took me like 10 minutes. You can do it!
Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
I'm using a point and shoot, but here's what I was able to do:
Using the portrait setting, and then zooming in I was able to focus on the rose and have background (and C) out of focus:
Focusing on the distance and have the up close out of focus didn't go as well. As best C is "soft focus" although the tree is pretty sharp. Here I used the landscape setting. Maybe if the up close has been closer, she was like 2 feet away.
I know they're not the best composition ever, but C and I are having a hard morning and I just wanted to get them done and loaded. I had experimented a little with the settings earlier to see what direction to go.
What's in my bag? I have a Canon Rebel XTi dSLR
Lenses include the kit lens (18mm-55mm) that I never use.
Canon 50mm F/1.8
Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8
Canon 80-200mm
Lesson 1 - Aperture Priority Mode
f/2.8 - 1/60th sec - ISO 1600 - 28mm
f/8 - 1/8th sec - ISO 1600 - 28mm
f/22 - 1 sec - ISO 1600 - 28mm
The End.
I finally got today during naptime to get these snapped, downloaded and then uploaded. Whew, the things that can get done when both kids nap at the same time!
Canon D40 with 55-250mm lens
f/5.0 ISO 1250
f/13 ISO 1250
f/25 ISO 1250
Yay for manipulating the camera.
So cute!
Tales of the Wife
Love the rose!
And I believe the "landscape" function will give you a higher aperture, meaning a larger depth of field, which is why she wasn't so out of focus. Leave the setting that you did for #1 to see if you can get her more out of focus.
Tales of the Wife
Tales of the Wife