Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Advice needed: Screaming 1-yr-old

DS will be one in a week and we've encountered a bit of an issue.  He is a great sleeper, a good eater, and generally has a sweet, happy demeanor.  He has never been a big cryer and instead usually squeals or shouts when he wants something, is unhappy, or is just excited.   In the last couple of months, his shout has turned into all-out, full-fledged screaming.  If we're on a walk and he sees something that he likes (a dog, a ball, a clock, a flag, etc.) he screams at the top of his lungs.  It is a ear-piercing scream.  He does this in restaurants, at home, in the car, everywhere.  I am at wits end, since I don't know if this is something I should try to discipline or not, and don't know where I would even begin.  Like I said, he has always been a yeller, but this has gotten completely out of hand.  I am around a lot of babies and have yet to see another child his age (or any age, for that matter) behave like this. Any advice?  Anyone else's kid do this too?  TIA 

Re: Advice needed: Screaming 1-yr-old

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    I know my nephews who are 21months old scream at the top of their lungs when they get excited. Luckily, they don't do it very often so I don't think they've tried to discipline on it or anything.

    Sorry I can't give you any advice, I thought I would let you know that your LO is not alone! 

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    I have no advice.  My child has just started doing this too.  I don't know what is causing it , or how to stop it.   I am seriously going to go insane soon. 


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    DS learned that fun screaming thing from a friend's baby at 10 months or so. We ignored it and if he was pointing to something we would say "Oh, you would like the ball please?" or "You see a ball, that is a ball." DH was going pretty much insane from it.

    Now that he has some words, ball, dog, kitty, chicken, etc. the screaming has stopped. ALTHOUGH now he has started whining for things out of his reach or when he wants something that he doesn't have a word for yet. It drives me crazy but I have to say it is better than the screaming!

    Don't worry, they will outgrow it, but in the mean time, I FEEL FOR YOU! 

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    I'm in the same boat!  We have an excited screamer on our hands.  I can make me quite embarassed if I can't get her excitement under control.  She's not acting bratty she's just trying to express herself and I know this but it's like shhh!!!  We were in the mall and I was waiting with DD for my sister to try something on and we were standing by this girl with a stroller when DD started screaming.  I apoogized to the girl and asked if her baby was sleeping but turns out it was a pretend doll for school.  I told her to be thankful that her school project didn't make noises like my DD does. 
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