Maryland Babies


Do you mind if I ask which hospital you delivered at and who delivered for your VBAC? I'm starting to think about providers because I would like to make a decision before I get pregnant again.
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Re: ~~lauranne~~

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    I don't mean to intrude on your post, but I would love this information as well.
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    I delivered at UCMC.  My original doctors were Dr. Morey and Dr. Swanbeck but they merged with Dr. Sopher and Dr. Levy while I was pregnant with Claire, so I wound up having to see all four.  I was warned by Dr. Morey that they all have slightly different views on VBACs.  When my water broke, Dr. Morey was on call.  Because I labored for so long, Dr. Swanbeck wound up delivering me.  Dr. Sopher came to see me post baby, and I never saw Dr. Levy while in the hospital.

    Long story short, my water was broken for more than 24 hours and they weren't concerned at all.  In fact, the contractions I had started having after being admitted stopped overnight.  My water broke Tuesday a.m., I went to the hospital around 1 p.m. Tuesday, and was still dilated to only a 2 Wednesday morning.  Claire wasn't born till 10:33 Wednesday night, and I was very slow to progress.

    A c/s was only brought up once, when I was around 9 cm and Claire's heartrate started to drop.  However, Dr. Swanbeck wasn't overly concerned.  We tried different positions and she came on her own.

    She was also big...8 lbs 9 oz (but they didn't tell me that when I was laboring!)

    I am so glad I had a VBAC, as the recovery, even with second degree tearing, is so much less than with a c/s.  Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions!

    Laura & Jim ~ July 10, 2004
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