Baby Showers

Worth sending?

Hi ladies! I got an invite to my cousin's baby shower coming up but won't be attending because I live in Hawaii and she is in Maine. I wanted to send a little something, but am currently unemployed and really, really can't afford much. Everything on her registry is either under $10 or $40+ (I know $40 isn't a lot, but I have my bills budgeted out down to the last penny so that I can make it through the summer until I get a new job). I had picked up 2 sets of washcloths and a book that were on her registry (the book wasn't, but they're doing that everyone bring a book thing). Does that seem really cheap? Is it worth sending? I just wanted to let her know we were thinking of her out here but I'm a little embarrassed I can't afford she going to open the gift and be like...ummm great, washcloths.

Send? Or splurge a little and get something more significant?

PersonalMilestone Anniversary

Re: Worth sending?

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    Send it!  I am a firm believer in be thankful for what you do get.  I would not strain my budget to buy a gift.  However, if you feel torn you could wait until you're employed and send something then.  Kids never stop needing things.
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    I think your gift sounds like a good one.  No need to worry!  Send it, she'll be pleased you took the time. (PS I could always need more washclothes with DS lol, we were forever 'losing' them?!) :)
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    I would send it and just add that you wish you could be there.  Personally, I would have just sent a check...only because it only takes an envelope and I could have added in the postage it will take to send the gift (no matter how small).
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    Thanks for the replies! All in all it was 12 washcloths and the book and it came to about $25..which I guess is an okay amount to spend for a baby shower gift. I guess I just pictured her opening play sets, and crazy amounts of clothing, and furniture and all these great things and then it's like "Oh, look, a gift from E! Oh...wash..cloths..." hahah..but, if the tables were turned I certainly wouldn't think badly of her if she were to gift those to me at my shower. I will send it along, every little bit counts when it comes to a new baby I suppose!
    PersonalMilestone Anniversary
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    She'll use the washcloths all the time - wiping up after feeding, in the bath, throw one or two in the diaper bag for cleanup, etc.  Good choice!
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    I agree with the others that this gift is fine.  I don't have any children and obviously haven't had a shower, but for my bridal shower and our wedding, we received some very expensive gifts and some less expensive gifts.  I honestly found that the inexpensive gifts were often the most practical.  One friend even went and got us a bag of essentials.... toilet paper, soap, etc in a gift bag.  It was a life saver when we moved and were getting settled b/c we knew exactly where to find stuff without unpacking boxes!  If you still have second thoughts.... are you crafty at all?  You could make her something inexpensive that would have a personal touch to it. One thing I like to do is pick up inexpensive picture frames with matting (from the Dollar Store) and then get scrapbooking stickers and put on the matting.  You could do one in the nursery colors or even with the baby's name.  Good luck!

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    Send it!  I am a firm believer in be thankful for what you do get.  I would not strain my budget to buy a gift.  However, if you feel torn you could wait until you're employed and send something then.  Kids never stop needing things.

    This! There is no minimum requirement. Send what you have bought for her and be proud of it! You are doing something nice for her. :)

    Wyatt 9/6/2011 
    Tessa 7/5/2013
    Baby #3- ????? (ttc soon)

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    Definitely send!  I think it's a lovely gift, and the other posters are correct;  it's not about the amount you spend, it's about your heart. You sound extremely thoughtful, and I'm sure you're cousin knows that.  I think she'll be thrilled to know you are thinking of her even though you are so far away.  :)  Good Luck!

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    abell77abell77 member
    Send it!  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  Don't be embarrassed about living within your means.
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