Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If your LO is in daycare...

How long did it take him/her to get a little used to the teachers and just being there in general?  Any tips for an easier transition? Sooo not looking forward to this!!
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Re: If your LO is in daycare...

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    My LO met her daycare woman the day before for about an hour and never had any trouble. When I dropped her off I just made sure she was awake so it wasn't a surprise to wake up and find a weird lady holding her.  I think it is only difficult for us moms.  Babies aren't supposed to be upset by this until later on (6 months).  Then again every baby is different.
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    try to go and visit them beforehand.  try letting DH do things with LO without you around.  i just started taking a baby who was 2.5 mos. (when she started) and she is having a VERY hard time transitioning.  it's not me or my home, it's just that she REALLY prefers to be with mom.  as long as mom is in the room, she's fine.  but as soon as she doesn't see mom, she screams.  even acts this way with dad!  nothing works, poor baby.  she won't even take a bottle for me.  she started daycare 5 weeks ago and it's not getting any better.  so i guess my advice would be to make sure LO is comfortable without you.  that sounds wrong, i know.  but believe me, it will help her in the long run!  best of luck!
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    I actually work at the center, just downstairs with the pre-schoolers.  I really like the girls in the nursery and have taken him in once and had them hold him.  I think he will do okay, but he is very much a Mommy's boy when he wants comforted.  He also likes a lot of attention and holding, which they can't always do with having other children there.  I'm sure it will just take some time- mostly for me!!  Luckily, I get to come upstairs and nurse him and spend my lunch break with him.
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