just got home from our ER. Had to be there at 6:30 AM so DH could give his part haha. My procedure wasnt until 10:45 but it went ok.. minus the anxiety attack I had the entire time they were getting my eggs lol. We got 18!! Woo hoo! Waiting for the call tomorrow to see how well theyre going!!

Married November 2007
DH became a double above knee amputee with traumatic brain injury (TBI) - July 2009
TTC - August 2009 DX: Severe MFI & TF due to TBI
DH SA 0 count, started clomid therapy - November 2010
DH SA 0 count, increased clomid dosage - January 2011
DH SA 75 million with 60% motility!! - May 2011
IVF with ICSI ONLY OPTION - May 2011
3dt of 2 Grade A 8&7 cell embryos May 19, 2011
+HPT May 30 2011 -- Memorial Day!
Beta #1 = 34 Beta #2 = 101.8 Beta #3 = 603!
Expecting beautiful Eden Grace February 7, 2012!
I don't believe that God ever tells us "no". he has three options. Yes, not right now, or I have something better in mind. We just have to wait & see.
Re: ER today
Me: 36 DH: 40
DH dx azoospermia My dx: RA & AMA
d-IUI's--6/10, 7/13 & 8/4: all BFN
d-IVF#1--Lupron/Menopur/Bravelle/Novarel; mini-dose protocol
ER: 10/25--18R; 14F; ET: 10/28--3dt of 2 embies; 3 blasts frozen
+ HPT 11/4; Beta #1--14dp3dt: 441; Beta #2--21dp3dt: 9298
One beautiful jelly bean growing! Saw h/b on 11/28 and 12/5!!!
P/SAIF welcome
<a href="http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b315/mandalinn/?action=view
TTC since 2010
lots of IUIs and 1 IVF all BFNs
FET currently on hold
Me: 36, DH: 42
Dx: DOR and MFI
DH: low count + very low motility; hormones all normal; Sperm DNA Frag. test = poor to fair; male karyotyping normal
Me: FSH 13.4 + AMH 0.26 + hypothyroidism; Scratch the hypothyrodism (?); Blood clotting and immune panel all negative; endometrial biopsy normal
IVF #1 (MDLF - Jul/Aug 2011): BFN (9R, 5M, 3F with ICSI, 3dt of 1 10-cell grade 2, no frosties)
IVF #2 (EP-antagonist - Sep/Oct 2011): BFN (6R, 4M, 3F w/ ICSI, 3dt of 1 6-cell, 1 7-cell, grade 4s, no frosties)
DE IVF #1 (shared cycle - June 2012): c/p (6R, 6F w/ICSI, 3dt 1 8-cell grade A- and 1 7-cell grade A-; no frosties)
DE IVF #2 (shared cycle with new donor - Nov/Dec/ 2012): - BFP!!!!! 12/14/12. U/S on 12/27 shows twins!!!!!
Positive for HLA-B27, I'm a mutant
Testing - Me ok, gluten issue? DH - borderline count, low motility
4/28/11 IUI#1 = BFP!(5/25), EDD 2/2/12 - m/c 5w3d
7/3, 7/31, 9/25 - IUI#2-4=BFN
IVF#1 - 1 blast = BFP!! (12/30), EDD 9/9/12, confirmed c/p 4w2d
FET#1 3/2/12 - 2 blasts =BFP!! EDD 11/18/12, us#1 = twins! Confirmed m/c 5w6d
4/20-surprise BFP and another c/p 4w2d
FET#2 7/16/12 - 2 blasts = BFN
FET#3 8/20/12 - 1 blast - BFP!! Beta #1-2=177, 354
1st u/s 5w6d, one beautiful little HB
baby girl born 5/10/13
TTC#2 since 12/17/2014, Cycle 8
Repeat Testing...FSH=12, AMH=3.8, AFC=28.
IUI#5 5/10/15- c/p?
IVF#2 8/19/15 - cancelled due to cysts
IVF#2 take two 10/2015 - 5 blasts frozen
FET#4 12/11/2015 - BFN - 4 blasts remaining
FET#5 2/18/16 - BFP!!! Beta1-3, 126, 250, 745!!
Tons of love and ((hugs)) to my IF sister NMscubagirl
~SAIF/PAIF/Everyone Welcome~
Me= 37 and DH = 41
Dx: DOR, Endo, APA+ (really high beta 2 glycoprotein antibody and high everything else tested), heterozygous MTHFR mutation, positive for lupus anticoagulant, high FSH, low AMH and both tubes blocked (per HSG on 3/8/11)
IVF #1 - long lupron (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 4 retrieved, 3 fertilized; ET 2 blasts and 1 frozen = BFN
IVF #2 - a version of antagonist with EPP (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 frozen blast transferred on day 5 = BFN.
IVF #3 April was postponed to May, May was canceled. June/July was canceled. Had a cyst aspiration and then began IVF #3 in August. ER on 8/22; ET on 8/24 with AH. +HPT on 9/5. Beta #1 (11dpo) = 3; Beta #2 (15dpo) = 29; Beta #3 (17dpo) = 60; Beta #4 (19 dpo) = 118. Heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days =132. Lil is here!
TTC#2: Trigger + TI = BFN; Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN.
IVF #4: BCP + MDLF + Lovenox = 7R, 1F = Transferred 1 6-cell embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #5: MDLF + Lovenox = 4R, 1F = Transferred 1 10-cell compacting embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #6: (New RE): Long Antagonist November 2014 (transferred two 8 cell grade 1 embryos and froze one blast) = BFN
"When the world says, 'Give up,' Hope whispers, 'Try one more time.'" -Anonymous
Me (32) DH (30)
A Wordy Blog
Baby Evangeline is here!
8 IUIs - 3 Cancelled cycles - 1 Ectopic Pregnancy with Left tube removal = A broken heart
IVF #1 : Fall 2012
15R - 13M - 13F w/ICSI - Transferred 2 day 5 blasts = BFP!!!
8 Frosties!
Beta #1: 135, Beta #2: 312, Beta #3: 996
10/21: Saw one beautiful flickering heartbeat! EDD: 6/12/13
| Purse Blog |
18 is a great number of eggs!! Can't wait to hear your fert report. Good luck!!
Mrs. Little Drew 10/25/08
TTC since 1/2010 - Dx with Stage IV Endo
11/10 - 100mg Clomid + trigger + IUI + Estradiol + Progesterone = BFN
12/10 - Unmedicated cycle due to RE not doing treatments in December = BFN
1/11 - 100mg Clomid + trigger + IUI + Estradiol + Progesterone = BFN
2/11 - Same sh!t, different month = IUI cancelled due to no response = BFN
IVF #1 - Start stims (Follistim) 5/10, add in Ganirelix 5/14
ER 5/21 - 13 retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilized; ET 5/26 - transferred one perfect 1AA blast. 3 snowbabies.
Beta 6/3 - 15.8; Beta 6/7 - 21.8; Beta 6/10 - 7
FET - Transferred 1 AA blast 7/11. Beta 7/20 - 311! Beta 7/22 - 784!! First u/s 8/10
2004- DX with PCOS
6/2011- Gonal-F + Ganirelix + Oviderl and Crinone= BFP
7/7/2011 Beta #1 119 Beta #2 563 Beta#3 4178
Cycle 11 - Clomid 100mg + Follistim + hCg trigger + IUI= BFP!
Beta/P4 #1(13dpo): 94.5/47, Beta/P4 #2 (17dpo): 625/19.5, Beta/P4 #3 (19dpo): 1285/18.2
BFP Chart
"I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted what I asked of him." ~1 Samuel 1:27
"Whatever it takes, we walk together." ~Pittsburgh Penguins
My IF-turned-baby blog
Thank you thank you! They didnt tell us the specifics of his number but they did say it wasnt as stellar as last week but still adequate? haha whatever that means. They went ahead and decided to do ICSI. Cant wait til tomorrow!
DH became a double above knee amputee with traumatic brain injury (TBI) - July 2009
TTC - August 2009 DX: Severe MFI & TF due to TBI
DH SA 0 count, started clomid therapy - November 2010
DH SA 0 count, increased clomid dosage - January 2011
DH SA 75 million with 60% motility!! - May 2011
IVF with ICSI ONLY OPTION - May 2011
3dt of 2 Grade A 8&7 cell embryos May 19, 2011
+HPT May 30 2011 -- Memorial Day!
Beta #1 = 34 Beta #2 = 101.8 Beta #3 = 603!
Expecting beautiful Eden Grace February 7, 2012!
I don't believe that God ever tells us "no". he has three options. Yes, not right now, or I have something better in mind. We just have to wait & see.
TTC Since 2/2009
2/2010 - 5/2010 Testing with OBGYN
8/2010 First RE Appointment
11/2010 Second Opinion RE Appointment
12/2010 Clomid + IUI #1 = BFN
1/2011 Clomid + IUI #2 = BFN
2/2011 Clomid + IUI #3 = BFN
5/2011 IVF #1, ET 6/2, Beta 6/15 = BFN
8/2011 FET ET 9/12 = BFN :0(
On a break to save money.
1/2012 IVF #2 ER 1/12, ET 1/15, Beta 1/27 = BFFN
4/2012 FET ET ??/?? =
p/saif welcome
IUI#3 brought us our dragon baby Z
TTCAL January 2015 Siggy Challenge: Animal Snow Interactions
1/2011 My Dx: 1 Polycystic Ovary
Husband Dx: Hypothyroidism= Low Testosterone & Low Sperm Count (7.4 m/mL)
4/2011 Husband began thyroid meds
5/2011 Begin OPK, Provera 10mg & Clomid 50mg= +OPK CD-17= BFN
6/2011 SA-Sperm Count lower (2.2 m/mL), Testosterone slightly higher, Thyroid improving.
Husband prescribed Clomid. Taking a break from my Clomid until we see SA results 9/2011. I will continue Provera as needed.
7/2011 Unmedicated Cycle= +OPK CD-16=?