Two Under 2

Do you really use a double stroller?

I have this idea of wearing DC#2 in a Moby or Ergo and pushing DD in a stroller. Is this realistic? Thanks in advance! (ps- yay for my first post on 2u2!)
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Re: Do you really use a double stroller?

  • That worked for a while, especially before about 5 months. There were always certain times though that didn't work. And now, when we go shopping at the mall or other places that don't have carts, I love my double!

    The good news is that you can try to go without and buy one later if you find it necessary.

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  • At first yes but then you realize that more kids = more stuff too so it is nice to have more room.  Of course we are on #4 so a double stroller is a MUST :)
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  • I use it all the time.  I wore dd while using the single stroller until she was 6 months.  I love my double.
  • I will try babywearing in the beginning, but I already have the CS for when we need it.
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  • We hardly ever use our double. I usually wear DD and DS either walks or is in the single stroller.

  • imageAnnaBanana0327:
    I have this idea of wearing DC#2 in a Moby or Ergo and pushing DD in a stroller. Is this realistic? Thanks in advance! (ps- yay for my first post on 2u2!)

    We did this in the beginning, but once she was about 2 months old, DD2 decided she HATED being worn.  I occasionally try to do it now (she is 7 months) because in some ways it is easier than using our double.  But I always go back to the stroller because DD2 usually strains against the carrier and screams the whole time.  We tried yesterday, actually, and she was EXHAUSTED but refused to fall asleep in the carrier.

    I love wearing my babies, but they do not love being worn :(

    A double stroller (we have the P&T Explorer) has been absolutely indispensable for us.

    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • I use it all the time.  DS doesn't really like being worn and he is HUGE (22ish pounds right now at almost 6 months) so even when I do wear him it isn't for long.  I also have a routine that includes a long walk (with a stop at a playground) every afternoon.  We also walk to the library, friend's houses, and will be walking to my DD's little 2 day per week preschool in the fall. 

    I agree with others that you don't need to decide now.      

    Married 6/28/03

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    No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.

    "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens


  • I could definitely get away without having a double. More often than not, I wear DD and push DS in the stroller.

    With that being said, I'm glad I have a double. DD is 12lbs so she's still cozy in a carrier, but I'm sure when she's bigger it will be a PITA on the days we have a lot of walking to do. We were out running around from 1-5 between going to the park and mall, and I was glad for the last hour I was able to push her in the double as opposed to carrying her. Plus, she naps better in her stroller.

    I'd say get a used one on craigslist after baby comes if you feel you would need them.

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  • I rarely use the double stroller and am glad I got it for free. I keep putting it in the car thinking I will need it and I never do.
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  • We use our double all the time (we have several different ones for different situations, and we have 4 kids) but I don't think babywearing is unrealistic.  If you did babywearing with your first LO and it's comfortable for you, then you could totally get away with a single stroller. Also  as PP said, if you find it's not working you could always buy one later.
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  • flgatorflgator member

    Since it's your 1st post, welcome!

    I use my double all the time.  I used the Bjorn w/DS1 but rarely did w/DS2.  DS2 is wiggly and wasn't too comfortable in it.   Like someone else said, you have more stuff w/more kids so the extra storage is nice too.

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  • MAMAxBMAMAxB member
    I am still expecting my 2nd.. but I definitely plan on getting one!
    I have been looking them since I registered originally! (Plus my DD1 didn't like to be worn)
    evelyn 4.2010 | will 1.2012 | baby BOY due 12.2014
    pregnant and/or breastfeeding since 2009.

  • In the beginning, yes, I wore DS a lot.

    Now, my double stroller (Schwinn side by side jogging stroller) is a lifesaver.  I use it all the time.

  • I did that for about 8 months and then we finally got a sit and stand and I'm SO grateful.  For the first few months it was totally fine- I'd put the little one in a carrier (sling/mei tai/bjorn) and push the other in an umbrella stroller.  It worked but it was hard on me- especially because I sometimes have to take public transportation which made for a long, tiresome day with a baby hanging on me.  I would highly recommend that if you do that that you at least get an umbrella stroller (instead of a regular stroller) because they are lighter to push.
  • That's how we went out with both of them until recently. DS2 hated the car seat and the stroller for the first eight months of his life. We rarely use our double.
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