St. Louis Babies

Any such thing as paid maternity leave!?

Hi ladies!This is my first post and I apologize if my question has been discussed before. I am still pretty new to this site and getting used to where info I am looking for is.My question, does anyone out there work for a company that offers any kind of paid maternity leave? I don't need to know he company name, just curious if this kinda thing happens in the US! My husband and I are talking about having kids and I am trying to get my ducks in a row. I started researching my companies policies, I am allowed 12 weeks, all unpaid. I wouldn't assume that I would be paid for this leave, but wondered if this is the norm.Thanks in advance for anyone who answers!

Re: Any such thing as paid maternity leave!?

  • We too are able to put our sick days towards our maternity leave.  I am a teacher and due in mid-August (actually I'm due the first day of school) and I will be putting my sick days that I have "banked" from the last 4 years towards my leave.  This will cover about 5 weeks and then the rest is unpaid.  
  • My company does. But only 1 week is actually paid maternity, then we use the rest as paid short term disability and vacation/sick days. It depends how long you've worked there, but I've been with them for 4 years and should have between 11 and 12 weeks paid, depending on how much vacation/sick time I have left when the baby's born. 

    I believe this is how a lot of companies work. I know my husband's company gives the new moms 8 weeks paid. Then, if you want the final 4, they are like 60% or 80% paid.

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    FMLA says that your employer is required to provide you with job protection for 12 weeks of unpaid leave if you have a qualifying life changing event (regardless of if you are male or female) and if you work for a company with (I think) 50+ employees.

    That all being said, my company allows you to use your vacation time and earned sick time during your maternity leave.  So, my leave was paid, but I hardly took any vacation time during my entire pregnancy and worked right up until I popped.

    This goes the same for me and I do hope I can work until I have LO#2! If I have enough vaca/sick leave, I will try to leave a few wks early.

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  • I'd say check what your insurance plan lists. With mine it showed I had short term disability so I received a percentage of my pay. But I actually got ahold of Anthem, and they gave me the number for the company that verifies leave of absence, and they tell my company I'm approved for leave and they have to pay me.   When I first called HR for my company they acted like they had no idea how to handle a pregnancy a tried to force me to use all my vac/sick/personal time.
  • I get 6 weeks paid and can take an add'l 6 unpaid.
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  • imageBlueCards:
    I get 6 weeks paid and can take an add'l 6 unpaid.


  • We get six weeks paid and the additional six weeks (if you choose to take them) are unpaid unless you use vacation/personal/sick time.
  • My company gives us 12 weeks leave paid at 100% and you can take additional unpaid time off through FMLA, if you want, plus any vacation/ personal days.  I'm very, very lucky!
  • My company pays you for one week of leave for every year you've been with them, with a max of 8 weeks.  Since I'll be taking 12 weeks, I'll get 8 weeks paid, and then just use 1 week of sick and 3 weeks of vacation time to have the entire thing paid! 
  • Bank of America offers 12 weeks paid for materity/ paternity for both mothers and fathers. Also has the best fertility benefits if you having trouble conceiving and adoption benefits if considering that option. BOA also give you money for child care per month- $240.00 per mo per child for licensed care. I read is Conceive Magazine that Morgan Stanley has 15 weeks. Good luck!


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  • The company I works for gives you 12 weeks with 100% pay with 1+ years of continuous service, same for Paternity leave. This is unheard of so I am very thankful for such an awesome benefit. I think the average is 6-8 weeks.
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