Good morning ladies!!
List your one high and one low of the week.
How is everyone coping? let your frustrations/vents/happiness out here
QOTD - To spin off a post below - do you and DH cook meals every night for dinner? How often do you go out?
Our Princess! Born 37w4d 6lbs 1/2oz 18in
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Re: Working Mom's Checkin
- DD has slept "ok" for two nights in a row!! Only waking up twice! I probably just jinxed it.
- taking my car in tomorrow to see how much damage I did running into the side of the bank drive thru
Everything is ok with work right now...not too stressful and I have been leaving right at 5.
QOTD - DH and I were just discussing last night how we don't have time or even feel like cooking but we are hungry! I personally would be ok with eating cereal most nights but DH wants a "hot" meal. So he cooked himself beans last night...and ate them was gross. We have no idea how to manage this! We TRY and only eat out for dinner twice a week, sometimes it's a little more often though.
Our Princess! Born 37w4d 6lbs 1/2oz 18in
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m/c 1/25/10 5w1d
Good morning!
My birthday is Mother's Day. Should be a fun day!
Crazy busy at work.
Dh is meeting with the MBA program he wants to start this week. I'm excited for him-but also a bit stressed at the idea. I want this for him, bu its scary too. He's also going to ramp up his job search so cross your fingers for us!
DH has been amazing with cooking lately. I really like to cook-but DD is nursing pretty much from about 15 minutes after I get home, bath time, nursing til she passes out. We really need to work on getting her to sleep without the boob-then maybe I could cook again. We order in more than go out for sure now. At least once on the weekend, maybe once during the week. I think we'd starve without the amazing Mexican place across the street!
I'm glad there is this check in!
DD gave us her first giggle Sunday and I have off this Friday!
Work is a little busy right now, but I have absolutely no motivation. Things just sit day after day. DD had been sleeping in her crib for two weeks up until this weekend. She's been back in the Rock and Play since Saturday - she just keeps waking up the second we put her in the crib. Not sure what that's about?
QOTD: DH works 2nd shift, so it's just me M-F. We cook on the weekends, but we also get a lot of take out. He's not comfortable taking DD to a restaurant yet.
One high: I decided to take Fridays off from now through the summer. Daycare is already paid for May, but June-August I'll have DD home with me one day a week.
One low: I'm still very depressed about what I'm doing as far as work as concerned, and dont' know how to make a decision, or what to do.
Cooking: When DH is home we cook on Sat, Sun, and 3 weeknights (we both love to cook). We all go out one night, and get takeout on Fridays. DD loves restaurants! We started taking her at 3 weeks old and she just loves them. When DH is traveling, I try to make a lot of food on Sunday so I have leftovers, and sometimes have some time to cook. Otherwise I eat something simple.
Avery Corinne - Born 7/9/10 at 37w2d
So excited about our Mother's Day brunch this Sunday.
DS slept like crap last night. He slept in the swing and I slept on the sofa. I had a 9:30am appointment this morning and I feel like garbage from sleeping on the sofa.
Work is busy but I like it that way. Makes the days go by faster.
QOTD: We cook dinner most nights. We try to have a date night once a week (and since DS has been about 12 weeks old we have taken him with us) either on Friday night or Saturday. We'll do pizza or chinese food once in a blue moon but mostly we cook dinner.
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d
BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11
BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d
BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13
BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14
Everyone is welcome and it will honestly be tough at first but it really does get better. I still struggle with it a lot but it has not been as bad as it was for me the first month back
Our Princess! Born 37w4d 6lbs 1/2oz 18in
visit our house blog: My Blog
Adalee's Blog Adalee's Blog My Bio
m/c 1/25/10 5w1d
Going back to my hometown to visit mom & gma for M day
AF is here and for some reason this month it's been really heavy.
Lacking motivation to work which is difficult when things are piling up
QOTD: I always used to cook but on MW DH is now cooking AND cleaning up since he gets home earlier. He does a lot of frozen stuff so while we have dinner it's not the most healthy. TTh DH gets home late so I just eat something simple or pick up dinner. Fri & weekends we generally eat out. I did try once a month cooking back in Feb and it worked great - but weekends have been so busy I haven't had time to do that again.
Big industry awards ceremony Friday night and I'm nominated for an award! I get a night off from LO, get to get dressed up, and have a fabulous dinner. (AND maybe win some amazing bragging rights....)
Dealing with an unstable work situation ever since I've been back, and it's STILL not ironed out. I'm starting to reach my breaking point.
Some weeks (like this week) I cook every night. Others, we scrounge up easy to make dinners or home made freezer meals, with a meal of take out or left overs thrown in.
I'm off after tonight until NEXT Tuesday. We're celebrating 4 years today (it's 5/5 now!) and I switched with another doc so that we could have a weekend away. We are taking DD, but my sister is meeting us at the destination to watch DD.
I'm having a hard time dealing with 1 technician in particular who tries to do my job. She's not licensed to practice, and she knows it, but she tries to act like she is around other techs and myself. She was nearly fired once before, and she's skating on thin ice. I get annoyed every time I have to work with her.
When I work, DH cooks for himself. Tonight, he warmed up frozen shrimp alfredo sauce and made ravioli. I am still wondering how the frozen sauce warmed up, actually, but he must have fallen asleep early tonight (didn't get any text messages from him). When I'm home, we take turns cooking, and are trying out a lot of new recipes. We did Dream Dinners for 2 years, and just recently stopped, just because we were getting tired of the same rotation of meals. However, I highly recommend it for very busy families!