July 2011 Moms

nbr (really) but ancestry research

H's parents are immigrants and documentation of his ancestry will have to be done in Portugal.  However, he is doing mine right now, and he has been able to trace my family back to the 1500s!  Isn't that cool?!?

I've got some pretty famous and influential ancestors too.  He found out that there is a town in Switzerland that my ancestors founded. 

Anyway, it is neat.

Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
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Re: nbr (really) but ancestry research

  • aesfaesf member
    i think that stuff is so neat! Most of my family came over illegally during the famine so there isnt much by way of records but we can trace our roots back to a signer of the declaration of independence on my dads mom's side.
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  • Very cool! DH and I started doing a tree a few months ago, and the furthest we have been able to go back was to my maternal grandmother's great grandparents, who came over from Sweden. Unfortunately, there is a lot less info on H's side, and we hit a dead end with my Dad's side when John and Mary Oliver immigrated from England. Yeah, cause those weren't common names at all! :P


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  • My grandmother has her family traced back before the revolutionary war, and is a member of DAR. We don't have great records of my Mom's family. My FIL is into genealogy so I keep hoping he'll do some digging for me ;)
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  • I am pretty much obsessed with this!  I've also done some DNA testing.  On my maternal grandfather's line, I am back as far as the early 1600s in France.  The French kept excellent church records.  Somewhere, someone in my family has a tree that goes back as far as the Spanish Inquisition (on my maternal grandmother's side, there are Spanish Jews).  They had to live all over Europe because of their religion.   I am just having trouble with my dad's side.
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  • I did this for a college class one year, and it's amazing the stuff you can find out! There is a place near us that has a genealogy center that helps people research their families for free. Mostly local families but they'll work on just about anyone if you ask. The only area I came into some trouble with was my maternal grandfather's side. Apparently some of his ancestors were gypsies. My mom only just told me a few years ago because the family was embarrassed by it. Whatever, I think it's cool!.
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