Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How sweet it was...

So my DD started STTN at nine weeks old.  Then at 18 weeks (roughly four months old) she started waking up anywhere from two to eight times a night.  Just to have the paci put back in and her chest patted then back to sleep.  WTH happened to the STTN?  My husband and I are losing our minds with this interrupted sleep situation.  It's been two months! 

 I'm kicking myself for thinking how lucky we were and thinking it would last.  Those nine weeks of STTN were so nice.  I want them back.  So if anyone has any pull with the STTN fairy please tell her to stop by my house again.  Thanks.

Re: How sweet it was...

  • four month wakeful fairy came to your house!
  • Sometimes I'm happy that DS hasn't STTN except for 2 random times.  He has a cold and is teething and is waking up every 3 hours as opposed to his 5/6 hours before he was 3 months old, but at least I'm used to it!  (trying to be optimistic)
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  • I could (and did!) have written this exact post.  I was really against CIO, but after I had a total meltdown I read Sleepeasy Solution.  It has worked great.  We dont follow all of the suggestions, but it has helped so much.  We are now only up 1-2 times a night to eat.  Let me know if you have any questions
  • imageBrahimBride:
    four month wakeful fairy came to your house!


    How do I get her to leave?  Will she leave on her own? When?  help!

  • My little guy has only slept through maybe four times but he is doing the exact same thing lately (several times) all I do is go in and put paci in mouth and pat back and he goes back to sleep.

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