Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Friendships changed after kids?

We are in our early thirties and most of our friends do not have children. Now that we have DS it has been a challenge to get them to understand that things aren't the way they used to be and I can't just throw him in the car, drive 2 hours to someone's house, and just hang out on a whim. Everything takes a lot more planning now and DS is happiest when i stick to a schedule, which is almost impossible when traveling or visiting other people's houses. Plus, my focus is on my family now and it's hard enough to get everything done on the weekends (quality time, laundry, groceries, cleaning), without having to take a whole day to go visit a place that I spent most of the time keeping DS from getting into everything within reach and sacrificing his naps on top of that. How do you manage keeping friendships after kids?

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Re: Friendships changed after kids?

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    We noticed that many of our non children friends dropped off after our first dd as well. I am a firm believer in schedules so messing that up was not an option. fortunately tho most of our cridns do have children around our lo's ages so we tend to hang out with them more. Since DD#2 is the youngest we tend to do more things at our house so it does not interupt her schedule. Other than that I just try to keep in touch with them and make it a point to plan a night out once and awhile so we can see those we normally don't as much anymore.
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    in our early 30's and only ones with kids. We don't see a lot of them as often as we used to and when we do it isn't the same. We do a lot of early dinners and people coming by our house.... the winter was especially hard b/c he was always sick. We understand and hope our friends do as well....
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    we have had the same issue - even with my MIL! she will never come to our house it seems, we always seem to have to go there. I'm going to start standing my ground on that one now, there is no reason why we always have to go there (45 minutes away). 

    we have found that we did stop hearing from a group of friends that we had, who don't have kids, or unmarried. We did make a new group of friends, i think the older DD gets, the more we will do things w/ our neighbors who have kids and such.

    it seems to be a balancing act, but i try not to let it bother me. I'd rather have quality family time than run around and mess the schedule all up! 

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    Yeah a lot of my friendships have changed, mostly when I moved 4 hrs away & then even more when Hayden came. We drive back to Mi all the time because that is where both of our families live. Its still another 45 min past them to get to where our friends live...We make it up there when we can but its not any easy thing all in one weekend & we are constantly packing/unpacking H's stuff & our 2 dogs...It makes me really sad that we don't get to see them much anymore but at the same time makes me a little angry seeing as we just drove 4 hours & they won't drive a lousy 45 min to see us. Our in laws are really cool & always say everyone is welcome to come to their house & hang out but for some reason they don't...Oh well, I guess they will understand when they have kids...for now I take what I can get =)
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    Yep, same here. People look at me like I have 3 kids when I tell them we won't keep her out past bedtime just because we want to go to dinner. I usually just send DH by himself or we have a nice night at home. They also don't understand why we can't just bring DD over to their house, and put her down there when it's bedtime and then put her in the car when it's time to go. Seriously?!? And our friends all have older kids, like high school and college age. I'm tired of hearing, "we just took our kids with us wherever we went." Um, ok. I'm not you.

     So yes, friendships change because they have moved down the 'priority list'. I think that's normal. We (us moms here) just don't have the time to nurture friendships like we used to.

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    I lost my BFF that I have been friends with since I was 16. Shortly after I found out I was prego, she did too. She ended up having a mc when she was 5 months pregnant. She had another mc a couple months ago. She basically told me that it was too hard for her to be around me & my son- it hurt too bad. I hope one day she will come around, because I miss her like crazy, but I can't even imagine her pain...
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    Yes, my friendships changed drastically after I had my son.  My friends without kids didn't understand that I couldn't do whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it anymore.  They acted like my son was a purse that I could just take everywhere.  My friends with kids, had kids already in school, so they forgot about all the baby stuff, and again, didn't understand why I couldn't do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to do it anymore.  Again, they acted like my son was a purse that I could take anywhere.

    Honestly, I just stopped trying to keep up those friendships.  I stopped caring.  I tried my best and it was never good enough, so whatever.

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    Wow, I think we're pretty lucky with our friends here. I'm 28 and most of our friends are in the 25 - 35 bracket. They've all been awesome. Granted we have a small close knit group of great friends and then a whole bunch of acquaintances.

    DS is on a loose schedule, that's what works best for him. I'm happy to bring him most places and he's a brilliant wee boy. If I'm meeting friends, they're totally happy to arrange a time that works best for us, either before or after a nap.

    Everyone is great about coming to our house to hang out, especially now that DS is rolling heaps and getting into everything. Bar one couple, we're the only ones with a baby but all our friends are stoked on him. The boys always chat about bringing him snowboarding and mountain biking when he's bigger and they're so good with him.

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    I became a mother in my early 20's and lost ALL but 1 of my friends. Everyone always wanted to party and with a baby that just wasn't my lifestyle anymore. ?I understood that I was the one with the new responsibility and that if I wasn't a parent I would be still partying and living by the seat of my pants. It just hurt me that NO ONE could find a few minutes for a phone call or maybe a visit every so often. My best friend was the only one who came over numerous times a week and would often choose to hang out with my son and I over a party. It's been 17 years since we have been friends and nothing has changed. She is a very big part of my childrens lives and I thank God for her everyday! It took awhile to get over "friendships" that I cherished so much. But now I have realized that I never had "true friends" until I became a mother. Cherish the friends who are there. The quality of a friendship is more important and rewarding that the quantity of friendships you have.
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    Same here.  Movies just don't work any more people! I have a baby! lol. I just try to plan other activities and hope for the best.  I am also looking forward to summer in hope for making buddies at our local park.
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    Not really - I find that now everyone we know is having babies (we're in our early 30s) so it's a really fun time.  More difficult to get together - but we have lots of fun doing other stuff (picnics, playdates, BBQs).  Plus, everyone has an extra PNP so DD can take her nap wherever we are (if we go somewhere for dinner).  Yeah, it's kind of a pain to wake her up and put her back down at home, but she's so sleepy that I don't think she even realises what's going on.

    Routines are great and all, but overall I think a baby should fit into your life, not take over it.

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    I couple, but I think we were groing apart anyway.  In fact, one of them hasn't even met Ben yet...10 months later.  Whatever...(but it still hurts)
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