Georgia Babies

AW: Officially down 16 lbs

I'm so excited!  I have struggled for 2 years getting so much as 1 pound off after having Tess and I'm finally seeing some results.

I am sorta following the 17 Day Diet and while I'm not a fan of fad dieting I don't think this plan really falls into that category.  Basically the first 17 days are like a cleanse, no sugar, no bread, no pasta, no potatoes, etc.  But you have 2 servings of fruit and also make sure to have plenty of lean protein, good vegetables, at least 2 servings of probiotics (like Greek yogurt) and drink green tea.

I have been amazed at how great I started feeling after just the first day.  I have definitely realized that I wasn't eating enough protein.  After the first 17 days you start phasing in good carbs.  I have been really encouraged to see continued weight loss (even better than no gain) once we started adding carbs back in and also after I cheated over easter weekend and have also had a glass or 3 of wine a few times. 

I'm also making an effort to get at least 15-20 minutes of exercise in most days.  I still have a way to go but I'm only 5 lbs away from my first goal!   

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