Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Which comes first - solids or bottle?

We had our 9 month appt yesterday, and the pediatrician told us to start offering LO his bottle right after his meals. Before, we were on a feeding schedule like this that worked quite well: 7 am - nurse; 8:00 am - breakfast; 11:00 am - 6-8 ou bottle; 12:30 pm lunch; 3:00 pm - 6-8 ou bottle; 5:30 pm - dinner; 6:45 nurse. I've been trying the ped's recommended approach today without any success - other than nursing this morning, LO has only consumed ~4 ounces of formula total which I know isn't enough fluids...he really wasn't interested in taking the bottle after breakfast or lunch. I'm thinking I should just go back to our old schedule (if it ain't broke...)...any thoughts/advice?

Re: Which comes first - solids or bottle?

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    That is pretty similar to the schedule we use and that is what I told my pedi at her nine month appointment yesterday and she said that was great. Is there a reason behind changing it? I mean I know eventually you would want your child to drink like milk with their meals and such but at 9 months?
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    Seems like enough to me, 4oz + nursing + whatever he drinks for the rest of the day. I would think with your feding schedule now he is eating less solid food and depending on the bottle to fill him up.

    Even now I dont give my 2.5 a drink until he has started his meal because I dont want him to fill up on liquid and not eat as much.

    ***DS 10/15/08 *** DD 08/03/10****
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    That is pretty similar to the schedule we use and that is what I told my pedi at her nine month appointment yesterday and she said that was great. Is there a reason behind changing it? I mean I know eventually you would want your child to drink like milk with their meals and such but at 9 months?

    I know, that was my reaction, too. But our ped said now is the time to start to get them used to it and become more dependent on solids than milk. I was surprised given everything else I've heard and read that bm/formula should be primary source of nutrition until they're a year.

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    imageThe Housewife:

    Seems like enough to me, 4oz + nursing + whatever he drinks for the rest of the day. I would think with your feding schedule now he is eating less solid food and depending on the bottle to fill him up.

    Even now I dont give my 2.5 a drink until he has started his meal because I dont want him to fill up on liquid and not eat as much.

    With out previous schedule, he never had an issue finishing 3 good-sized solid meals a day (plus his daily 20 ounces or so of milk). I guess that's why I'm wondering if I should go back to seems like now he's consuming less nutrients/calories overall since the amount of formula has gone down.

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    I see your pedi's point, but 9 months seems early. Until just recently, we were alternating solids and nursing about every 2 hours ish. Now DS has dropped all but his morning and bedtime nursing sessions and eats a ton of solids for meals and snacks.
    My big boy image Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Emily eats and then has her bottle but I think if the other way works for you then I would stick to it. Children are creatures of habit and any little thing can throw them off. 

    DD#1 is 3! And LO#2 is on his/her way! Due Feb 26th, 2014.


    BFP#1: EDD 5/7/2010 born on 5/20/2010. A little girl named Emily.  

    BFP#2: m/c 10/29/2012 EDD was 6/21/2012 Baby Hope was 6 weeks 3 days. 

    BFP#3: Twin B stopped growing at 8 weeks and 5 days. Found on 8/10/2014. EDD was 2/26/2014. Twin A is still doing great and due date is 2/26/14. 


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    imageThe Housewife:

    Seems like enough to me, 4oz + nursing + whatever he drinks for the rest of the day. I would think with your feding schedule now he is eating less solid food and depending on the bottle to fill him up.

    Even now I dont give my 2.5 a drink until he has started his meal because I dont want him to fill up on liquid and not eat as much.

    With out previous schedule, he never had an issue finishing 3 good-sized solid meals a day (plus his daily 20 ounces or so of milk). I guess that's why I'm wondering if I should go back to seems like now he's consuming less nutrients/calories overall since the amount of formula has gone down.

    My understanding is the point is to get him to get most of dietry needs through food and use the formula almost like a supplement. Formula is that "perfect blend" where as when you are on whole milk, his solid food diet is going to have to compensate for the lower iron, vitamin e, vitamin c, and some essential fatty acids. So all you are doing is basically getting him used to that diet before the milk transition. It may seem like he is getting less calories/nutrients becauase the formula has gone down, but if he's eating healthy meals he's still getting those. If you are concerned about fluids, he can always have some water. 

    On the flip side, just because your Dr said "He's 9 months, he's got to eat this way now" doesnt mean that it works for every child/family.

    ***DS 10/15/08 *** DD 08/03/10****
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    It's been a few hours since I first posted, and now he won't drink anything. He's taking solids fine, but is refusing a bottle completely. I tried a sippy cup, and no luck there either. I tried both formula and water, and nothing. I know it's only been a day, but I'm just worried he's going to get dehydrated if it continues. Could it just be a phase or is it possible he's getting enough liquids from the solids?
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    It could be a phase - is he still nursing?  DS went through plenty of bottle strikes when he wasn't feeling well.  For us, we always do bm before solids. 
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    Bottle before solids most of the time. Sometimes he will take food first, but in the mornings he has to have his bottle first he throws a fit for it.

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
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    We're on almost the exact same schedule at 10 months, which pedi was really happy with.  I asked pedi when we are supposed to offer solids before nursing, and my pedi told me not to make that transition until AFTER the 1 year point. 
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    we do bottle after solids.  he eats 3 solid meals a day and has a bottle with 2 of them, a cup with water and very little juice with one of them, and a bottle before nap and bed. 


    if you really want to switch his schedule, then i'd keep doing it the way you're trying today.. eventually he'll drink and eat what his body needs.  if you don't mind the schedule the old way, do it that way :) 
    personally, i've already switched out a formula bottle with a cup once a day and he doesn't miss that bottle at all.  by 11ish months i hope to have him down to 3 bottles a day instead of 4.  by 12 months, no formula, no bottle, and no purees is my goal. 

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    I say stick with what works. I always give BM before solids. DD actually eats more solids that way, because she isn't starving and annoyed then. Babies this age don't realize that their "solids" are going to fill them up. It's not food and nourishment to them, it's playing. After a year, I would maybe re-evaluate, but I am from the camp that up to a year most of their real nutrition is coming from milk. 
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