
a bit silly...convinced its twins

This is my 6th pregnancy, I have 2 girls & 2 boys, and mc once between the boys @ 5w pg. I feel like my symptoms may even be milder this time around, which always concerns me; but I have felt from the beginning that this is twins. I have no family history of twins, and the only factors I can see affecting my probability of twins is the # of live births and my age (29). I understand there is a slightly increased occurrance of twins in women ages 30 to 40.

Yet, from the beginning I have been convinced its twins.

A handful of people have surmised its twins, but I think mostly because they think it would be funny if 5 kids turned into 6. My husband also seems to be supressing the thought.

I understand its common to have increased symptoms with twins, but did any of you just have a 'hunch' with no additional symptoms?

My first appt is tuesday @ 8w, and an ultrasound scheduled @ 10w. Just curious about anecdotal stories.

Mercedes DD Greta Lisae 4.28.05 DD Ava Maren 6.23.06 DS Finnegan Thomas 8.10.07 DS Declan William 9.23.09

Re: a bit silly...convinced its twins

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    I had a funny hunch that I was trying not to give any credit to.  I didn't have increased symptoms until after I knew I was having twins.
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    no hunches....but I should have been suspicious
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    I don't this either your age or the number of live births makes a difference. First off, the age isn't that old in terms of increased risk of twins. And as far as probabilities go, the fact you have had other births before doesn't impact the chance that this one is twins. It's the same reasoning as for flipping a coin while it is unlikely to flip 100 heads in a row, once you have done 99 is still a 50% chance that the next one will be heads, each event has it's own probability. Also, asking on the mulitples board if anyone had a hunch will be misleading, There are lots of people who "know" they are having twins, but here you will find the group that actually went on to do so, while there are many people who don't. Best wishes for a healthy 9months!
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    I didn't have any symptoms that would have lead me to believe it was twins, however, for an entire week before our ultrasound, every dream that I had was about multiples.  I actually told my BFF and my mom that I thought I was having twins, even though we had no family history and no drugs.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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    Other than being in maternity pants by 7 weeks, no idea. No symptoms at all. We kept joking it was twins from the very beginning, little did we know...
    ~*~ Nikki ~*~ DS born 2/18/08! TTC #2 since 01/2009 11/01 Round #5 Clomid 100 mg, IUI 11/14, at 10dpiui 11/26 Beta:12dpiui 114 11/29 Beta:15dpiui 755 1/9/10 First U/S: TRIPLETS! 6/20/11 And then there were six... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    Yes both times I had a hunch and both times it was twins, but I lost one to VTS 10 weeks ago.


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    MrsVoMrsVo member

    I didn't have a clue.  I was convinced there was one baby because at my monitoring appointment I only had one egg.  My DH and friends teased me about "how many were in there" and I thought they were all crazy.  Joke's on me!! 

    As far as symptoms go, I have nothing to compare to, but mine don't seem any worse than my singleton friends.

    Diagnosed PCOS 2/07, TTC #1 since 8/09
    11/10 - Clomid Round 1 = BFN
    12/10 - Clomid Round 2 = BFN
    1/11 - Voluntary Break = BFN (duh)
    2/11 - Clomid Round 3 = BFN
    3/11 - Femara + IUI = BFP * Beta#1=56 * Beta#2=266
    *Cautiously expecting baby girls on November 28, 2011*
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    LOL! Yes, I haven't fit into my clothes since the day I took a pg test, but that's because my body jumps right into pg mode now...I didn't even need new clothes until 20w with my first!

    Wow! Congrats on the triplets :)

    Mercedes DD Greta Lisae 4.28.05 DD Ava Maren 6.23.06 DS Finnegan Thomas 8.10.07 DS Declan William 9.23.09
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    I had really bad m/s which started 2 days before I got my BFP, and then a week later I had a dream I was having twins.  I had an u/s later that week and low and behold it was twins.  There is also no history of twins in my family, so it was a very big surprise that my dream came
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    I had a feeling it was twins since I test positive very early like 3 weeks 2 days and it was very strong... I also had dreams of hold twin girls.  I told my husband and family I thought I was twins people thought I was crazy.  When i had my ultrasound I was shocked but kinds knew all along...
    Married 7/23/06 DS 4/21/09 Bfp 3/12/11-Lost twin #1 at 18w5d and twin #2 Baby Lainey 19w6d
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    I had a feeling it was twins since my morning sickness and bloated kicked in at 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks like it did with my first. I kept telling my DH I thought it was twins and sure enough I was right!
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    I was charting, and looking back on it after I knew, I could see where I dropped the second egg.  When we were told though, it was the last thing I would have expected them to say.

    But the only surefire way to tell is on an u/s.  Congrats!

    bfp 5/17/09 - missed m/c 6/17/09 @ 9w - stopped growing 6w 1d, D&C 6/19/09
    BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
    Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
    Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
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    I was joking a few days before about going to see if there was 1 or 2 in there everyone thought I was crazy! I was right but it is crazy having twins. Even at 5 months I still can't believe it. Best of lick on your pregnancy.
    Wonderful daughter born 10/99. Diagnosed autistic/ epileptic. Non- verbal. /////Twins! Born 11/10 @ 29 weeks. 71/2 week NICU stay! Bring on the fun!
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    I had a feeling from about 2-3 days after I ovulated that I was pregnant and by a few days later I SWORE I was having twins. I didn't tell anyone except my husband but had a feeling. By 6 weeks it was confirmed to be twins.
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    So are you going to feel really silly if you find out it's not twins?
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    I think many, many, many pregnant women think/suspect/fear/are convinced that they're having twins. The majority of this women will be pregnant with a singleton but some will be pregnant with twins because that's how the odds are.

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    I only had a small suspicion because I started showing early and gaining weight quickly.  My mom jokingly said "maybe it's twins".  After she put the idea in my head I kept wondering and joking about it up right until the first u/s appointment.  My DH thought I was crazy, but looks like I wasn't so crazy after all.  However, I'm sure there are plenty of women out there who feel this way and are NOT pregnant with twins.
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    I think many, many, many pregnant women think/suspect/fear/are convinced that they're having twins. The majority of this women will be pregnant with a singleton but some will be pregnant with twins because that's how the odds are.

    This.  Keep in mind where you posted this question - it's on the Multiples board.  So anyone here that did have a "feeling" that they were having multiples, actually went on to have them.

    I have friends who had dreams that they were having twins and gave birth to healthy, singletons.

    Enjoy your pregnancy!

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I had NO idea, thought, inkling, or any other word that there would be twins in there.  The thought NEVER EVEN crossed my mind!!  I was floored at my first sono when the doctor said "There is one and there is the other one, looks like there is two in there!"  My response was even "Two what?"

     --Christy  :-)

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    I had a hunch but this being the 12 set in 3 generations-it wasnt a huge surprise..BTW all sets in my family were spontaneous and not IVF
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