February 2011 Moms

How do I get coupons?

We use Gerber Goodstart. My husband and I have both registered on the Gerber website hoping to get some coupons.  That was about 6 weeks ago!!!  Is there a trick to getting them?  Have we missed something??  It would be lovely to catch a break on the cost of formula since it's so expensive and I don't go back to work for another 6 weeks. 
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Re: How do I get coupons?

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    I must have signed up when I first got pg and I get the checks but when dont use Gerber. If you would like you can send me a PM and I will mail you the checks I have $28.00 in Gerber Checks. They expire 6/1 and 7/1.
    Happy mommy to a sweet baby boy! CafeMom Tickers
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    Check out the Swap Spot board.

    If you have coupons or checks for other brands you can usually swap them with other moms so you both can get what you need. I signed up the Gerber when I was PG and they did not send me anything for a long time I didnt get anything from them until after LO was born. I know your LO is already here, but they just seem to be slow in general in sending stuff and IMO not as generous as the other brands (Similac, Enfamil)

    I recently swapped out everything I have for GoodStart formula or else I would offer you some. But check out the Swap Spot board and make a post offering up anything you are willing to trade. GL!

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married 1/20/07
    DD Born: 2/18/11
    LO #2 EDD: 10/16/15
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