Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Low weight at 9 month check up

Yesterday we went for my sons 9 month, he is currently 17 pounds and 28 inches.

He has always been on the small side, but normally around the 25th percentile. And this visit he is under the 10th percentile. We're monitoring his intake now, and will have monthly weigh-in and charting with a nurse.

Anyone have any experience with this? and how did you get your child to gain weight? 

Blessed with 2 amazing little boys. One grew in my tummy and the other my heart.

06/30/10 my 1st son was born on my birthday. 
TTC #2 since 05/2011 BFP- Feb 2012, EDD- 11/01/12, m/c- 03/05/12 @ 5w+4d 
12/20/13 my 2nd son was born and placed in my arms.
Surprise BFP- Nov 2014, EDD- 8/06/215, mc 12/24/2015 @ 8w+6d
SURPRISE - BFP- 4/8/2105

Re: Low weight at 9 month check up

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    Did he recently start crawling or reach any new milestones? That can definitely cause a drop in %. Plus, kids really do stop gaining weight quickly closer to a year, so at 9 months, its certainly not unheard of (nor typically unhealthy) for a child's weight to start to plateau a bit.
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    My daughter had the same stats at 9 months but the pedi was not concerned.  She has had steady growth through the months although since around 6 months she is not growing as quickly.
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    He is crawling and walking while holding on. He is definitely VERY active.

    He has no interest in his formula. I'm wondering if he no longer likes it? 

    Blessed with 2 amazing little boys. One grew in my tummy and the other my heart.

    06/30/10 my 1st son was born on my birthday. 
    TTC #2 since 05/2011 BFP- Feb 2012, EDD- 11/01/12, m/c- 03/05/12 @ 5w+4d 
    12/20/13 my 2nd son was born and placed in my arms.
    Surprise BFP- Nov 2014, EDD- 8/06/215, mc 12/24/2015 @ 8w+6d
    SURPRISE - BFP- 4/8/2105

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    We had a lot of problems with the girls gaining weight early on.  Around 3 months or so we finally started making steady progress.  Since our weight gain was in the early weeks, I don't think much of what we did would be very relevant to your 9 month old.  We had to go in for weight checks once a week, then every other week, etc.  One thing that helped me was buying an infant scale.  BRU sells them.  I would weigh them every other day when we were doing weekly weight checks and every week when we went to every other week.  I hated being "surprised" when we went into the Drs office, and it also helped me bring them in earlier or change something if I noticed that we weren't making progress.

    What did your pedi say about how to get him to gain weight?

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    Those stats dont sound too bad to me. My lo has always been low on the charts though. You could ask if your pedi thinks lo would benefit from higher calorie formula. There are ways to mix formula to day, 22 cal/oz rather than 20. If he is eating table food there are also many ways to increase calories there. Add butter to his foods as much as possible. good luck! But don't worry too much :)
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    The only suggestions my Pedi made was to cut out any water and juice, which he was only drinking a few sips of while eating. So we did that. And then yesterday he took a total of 13 oz. He told us basically to push the formula, but day to day varies on his intake. Like yesterday where he refused bottles. Most days he is eating around 20, he rarely drinks 5 oz a sitting. And typical takes 4 bottles a day.

    He is eating baby food great, and we're trying to push some table food. He still doesn't have any teeth so we're still trying to be careful about what we give him. 

    Blessed with 2 amazing little boys. One grew in my tummy and the other my heart.

    06/30/10 my 1st son was born on my birthday. 
    TTC #2 since 05/2011 BFP- Feb 2012, EDD- 11/01/12, m/c- 03/05/12 @ 5w+4d 
    12/20/13 my 2nd son was born and placed in my arms.
    Surprise BFP- Nov 2014, EDD- 8/06/215, mc 12/24/2015 @ 8w+6d
    SURPRISE - BFP- 4/8/2105

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    My LO is on the small side.  She gets butter on almost all her food- but she has teeth.

    I also started giving her whole milk in a sippy.  She drinks this throughout the day a bit.  She still gets formula- she takes about four bottles a day but she has started not finished them.  She gets 6-8 ounces in her bottle and sometimes leaves 3-4oz!!! (I hate wasting it!).

    She also eats yogurt like it is her job!! It's helped some but she is still in the 18th percentile.

    image Momma to Ms. C age 16 months and Mr. C age 3 months!
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    LO was 17 pounds 4 oz and 28 inches at her 9 month. The doctor said she was surprised she didn't weigh less because she was crawling and more active.
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    Those stats sound great to me! DD was 14 lbs. 11 oz, and 27.5 inches at her 9 month. She completely fell off her curve. Her Pedi was concerned, and we are working on getting her weight up. We switched to formula and will see if that helps at her weigh in this month.

    Dr. believed that my body was trying to wean her...which I don't know. But, I was not pumping much at all. And was ready to wean anyways.

    But, for us...she told us to feed her solids 3 times a day. Get any extra calories in the food that you can. Toast, with butter, avacados, add formula and rice/oatmeal cereal in if she will take it, and egg yolks. Then offer formula. And for the first week, i was offering breastmilk too after the formula because she wasn't taking much. But, luckily she loves the formula now!


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    Well, my LO was 17 lbs 3 oz at 9 months and that made her 22%. She was 28 1/4 inches and was 74th %. Such a small amount of weight can make all the difference. I wouldn't worry...My 1st is just tiny at almost 3 and only 25 lbs. She has been b/w 9th and 14th since she turned 9 months. The doctor was worried but she is perfectly healthy. She is just on a different growth curve than she was on early on.
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    Thanks ladies. It is comforting to know that he is not alone in his weight.
    Blessed with 2 amazing little boys. One grew in my tummy and the other my heart.

    06/30/10 my 1st son was born on my birthday. 
    TTC #2 since 05/2011 BFP- Feb 2012, EDD- 11/01/12, m/c- 03/05/12 @ 5w+4d 
    12/20/13 my 2nd son was born and placed in my arms.
    Surprise BFP- Nov 2014, EDD- 8/06/215, mc 12/24/2015 @ 8w+6d
    SURPRISE - BFP- 4/8/2105

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