Trying to Get Pregnant

I'm hoping

by next cycle (if there is one) that I really get this charting understanding down. I really feel like I understand everything, I have read TCOYF over a few times... use it as my bible at times, lol, but when temps drop I freak out and assume thats it over etc. There are so many girls on here that really understand it and get it!! Hopefully I will soon!! Frustrating!!


Re: I'm hoping

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    Your chart looks good!  You'll get it down after a couple cycles.  GL!
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    Try not to worry until it goes below your cover line. Take a look at Lemon's BFP chart, she had a drop and ended up Pregnant. GL
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    just remember zig-zagging is normal (so don't freak about every drop).   You just need to be able to see a lower zigzag and a higher zigzag after O.
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    it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
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