April 2011 Moms

I turned into a March mom!

Grace Marin decided to make her grand entrance yesterday morning at 7:24am! I started having contractions yesterday morning at 3:30am but they were not that painful or close together. They were like the ones I had Wed afternoon that stopped. So I did not wake up SO just in case they stopped again. By 5:15 they were getting stronger and down to about 8 min so I got SO up and we started getting the last minute things together. Once we hit the car the contractions came on faster, and the lucky for us the hospital is only 15 minutes from home.

I was checked in and in L&D around 6:30am. Got undressed, gowned up, hooked up, and started the list of questions when the contractions went to 3 min apart right away. I was checked and I was 7-8 cm so the poor nurse was trying to finish the questions and get the IV started so they could get the antibiotics started and get me an epi. Needless to say, that did NOT happen! 15 min later she is trying to start the IV when I had back to back contractions. The other nurse came in, first one asked her to check me, and I was down to just a rim and the water sack was bulging! It was then a mad rush to set up the bed and get the sterile field set. In ran the OB, broke my water and found thick merconium stain. I was hoping that would not happen again as it happened with DD9. As the OB was getting her gloves and gown on she told me I could start pushing if I felt the need. I started to push and got the instant ring of fire, so I knew she was coming right then. It took 3 pushes and her head was out and only a few more for the rest of her.

Her score right off the bat was a 4, then a 9. They let me hold her for a minute and then they took her to nursery so respiratory care could look over her and assess her more. We also knew she would need antibiotics because of the GBS+ and no time for them to get them in me. The chest xray showed she did not ingest the fluid so that was good, but because the birth was so quick it caused the distress. She was placed under the oxygen hood all day yesterday and they slowly weaned her to room air. As soon as I was cleaned up and showered I was able to go into the nursery and sit with her. Her coloring looked so much better by that point and she was "feisty" as the nurses put it. It took all day, but by 8:30 last night I had my baby girl in my arms again. She was still having her O2 levels monitored and had her IV but at least she was with me!

She is doing great now. She weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz, 18 3/4". Grace only has the IV in while we wait for the official blood cultures for GBS to come in tomorrow. If those are good we will be discharged tomorrow morning!

I am feeling good over all. I had a small "skid mark" as the OB put it, like a road rash instead of a tear. I had a small issue with the uterus not firming up, i had an injection and that was resolved. I have always had low blood pressure, and earlier it was at it's lowest so they are watching that. But other than that I am on the mend!


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