Trying to Get Pregnant

CM question (sorry if this is TMI)

I'm having trouble distinguishing CM as this is my first cycle charting. How would you classify CM that looks like a wet spot on your underwear but when it dries it hardens and is yellow in color? I've been saying creamy but I'm not sure if that's right. Thanks in advance and again I'm sorry if it's TMI!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers 


BFP #1 6-8-11 EDD 2-19-12. DD born 2-3-12 via induction due to pre-e.
BFP #2 9-7-13 EDD 5-22-14. It's a GIRL! DD#2 is on her way.

Re: CM question (sorry if this is TMI)

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