Northern California Babies

Barf v. Poop

So Baby L has some mild reflux and needs to be held upright for quite a while after a feeding or he barfs (not just spit up but big time barf).  He inevitably poops at least once, sometimes twice during every feeding.  If I change him right after a feeding, he usually barfs because he has to be put on his back.  If I don't change him he falls asleep and then gets pissed when I wake him up 45 minutes later to change him and I have a hard time getting him settled down again.  He got a wicked case of diaper rash, but we've started slathering him in Aquaphor and that seems to really, really help, but the sleep thing is the bigger issue.

How do you deal with diaper changes if you have a reflux baby?  Do you just wait it out and avoid the barfing at all costs?

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