Two Under 2

BF Question- I'm not from this board

I am currently pregnant with #1 and we are planning to have our kids around 18 months apart. I know when you get pregnant a lot of times you have to stop BFing because the baby can tell a difference and they don't like it. My question is does this always happen? Will I have to stop when I get pregnant again or does it just vary from person to person? TIA

Re: BF Question- I'm not from this board

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    Read up on tandem BF. Many women BF through pregnancy and beyond. It's true that your baby may stop nursing when yu do get pregnant, but it's not a guarantee.


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    It varies. I didn't have to stop, but I weaned my kids because I was tired and taking care of other children. It was draining on me. I only got to 2nd trimester though. I do hear that after 20 weeks, your child may wean because there's a difference, but that's not always the case.

    My kids are 18 and 19 months apart. 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
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    It varies a lot from person to person. One other consideration is that you may not be ovulating yet by the time your first LO is 9 months. GL!
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    It really depends on the person. Also be aware that there is a chance you could be one of the people who can NOT get PG while BFing. I was unable to get my period (and therefore get pg) until 6 weeks after I weaned completely which was when LO was around 13 months old. 

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    My experience was that my milk dried up within the first three months of my pregnancy.  I had to wean DD1 at 7 months :(
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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    DS self-weaned when he was 15 months old and I was three months pregnant, I think because there just wasn't much there anymore. My OB actually encouraged me to keep nursing.

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    Mine will be 21 months apart and DD is still BFing regularly.  My supply is a bit lower, but nothing drastic.

    Also, I never got a PP AF (DD did/does nurse around the clock), but felt like I was ovulating, so we started TTC and got pregnant first try.  It really varies from person to person.

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    I noticed a change in supply, but there were multiple factors. I was pregnant, back to work, and LO was going to a sitter for the first time. I ended up weaning during my first trimester. 

    It's possible to BF throughout your pregnancy. Check for more information about that. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. 

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    I breastfed throughout my pregnancy and I'm now nursing both my girls. My supply dropped significantly in the 3rd tri (most experience a drop in the 1st tri), and she went down to nursing twice a day. But when the baby was born, she started wanting to nurse more often again. She never noticed a change in the taste.

    My daughter was 6 months old when I got pregnant again. They're 14 months apart. 

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
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    Thanks so much for all of the input. I really appreciate it. I am hoping to BF for at least a year so we will see how it goes!
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    Most normal, low risk women can nurse while pregnant.

    I personally cannot nurse whlie pregnant because I am high risk (short cervix, ptl, etc) and because nursing can cause contractions, it is too dangerous for me.

    I think a bigger question is whether you can get pregnant while nursing.  Many women don't ovulate at all while nursing and don't get their period back until they wean.  If you are adamant about having them super close together you might find that you need to wean in order to ovulate.

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    My son is 11 months old and I am just finishing up first tri with #2.  Over the first 4 weeks of my pregnancy my milk supply really dropped.  On the weekends while we are together my son has almost all breastmilk and maybe 2-4 oz of formula.  During the weekdays while I am at work he drinks 10-12 oz of pumped milk and I can only pump 3-4 oz now (I used to get 8-9 oz/day).  My freezer supply ran out a week ago, so when we are apart he mostly has forumla.  I probably would have waited one more month to try and get pregnant if I had known it would dry up my milk supply.  I really wanted to make it to his first birthday without supplementing.  I hope to keep BFing at least a couple times per day throughout my pregnancy and after #2 if possible.
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    My son weaned between 13-14 months, and I think it due to my pregnancy.
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