September 2011 Moms

Maternity clothes make me feel fat!

I bought a few maternity shirts over the weekend and decided to wear one today. I cant wear my normal fitted shrits to work because I feel like my belly is hanging out. I got a few flowy cute tops and wore one today and I swear I feel like a blimp lol. I barely have a bump but it's enough to need looser tops. I know when I go home and take this thing off I will feel so skinny. Does anyone else feel like more of a cow in their maternity clothes? I guess they will be awesome when I'm alot bigger and grow into them. Sorry if I offended anyone, but this is the weird in between stage. Tongue Tied

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Re: Maternity clothes make me feel fat!

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    I learned the hard way with my last pregnancy... Stick to form fitting maternity tops especially.. They are much more flattering and won't make you feel like a blimp.
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    I bought a very cute dress over the weekend that makes me look somewhat like a small circus tent, but it's comfy so I'm wearing it anyway. I am still just wearing quite a few of my normal shirts though (for now, anyway.)
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    I learned the hard way with my last pregnancy... Stick to form fitting maternity tops especially.. They are much more flattering and won't make you feel like a blimp.

     I thought there was no way I would want to wear form fitting shirts once I start growing but now I realize I will be more comfortable in them. At least I only have a few flowy ones, everything I get from now on will be a belly clinger.

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    LOL, I understand!  I am already plus size, and my belly has exploded!  I wore one maternity shirt and it made me look like I was ready to deliver anyday!  But I was comfortable, and I have come to the point where I do not care anymore!  Good luck!
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    All my regular shirts and now to short as well and show the top of the maternity jeans.  I am wearing maternity tops, but like the pp said, I am wearing form fitting ones.  I bought a few tight tank tops and I wear them under regular cardigans to show off the bump or bought some shirts and that are looser now and will be tight when I get big.  I avoid the flowy tops at all costs.
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    I went to Old Navy and bought 3 or 4 new shirts in a size larger than usual. My best friend gave me a ton of maternity clothes but none of them fit yet.  I know I won't be able to wear the larger shirts too long, but right now they allow me to avoid this very issue.
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    Im in a love/hate relationship with my maternity shirts lol. Some fit great others not so much. 

    Its the awkward stage...itll get better.

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    I learned the hard way with my last pregnancy... Stick to form fitting maternity tops especially.. They are much more flattering and won't make you feel like a blimp.

    This! I'm sticking to form fitting tops or tops with a banded bottom like this one:


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    I have definitely felt fat in some of those flowy maternity shirts!  An empire waist is a big help to make sure it's a clear bump.
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    Last time I was pg I bought a flowy top from Kohls.  The first time I wore it was the first time I got comments from strangers.  I think I was around 23 or 24 weeks.  It was also the last time I wore it for weeks.  I always felt like the flowy maternity tops made me look like I was a house.  Most of the tops I wore were just regular clothes in size Large. 
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    I learned the hard way with my last pregnancy... Stick to form fitting maternity tops especially.. They are much more flattering and won't make you feel like a blimp.

    This. Most of the maternity tops I bought were form fitting, and I've felt like a goddess. I wore the one flowy top I got and felt like a tent.

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