Stay at Home Moms

Teaching part time

Does anyone have any experience teaching college classes part time as an adjunct professor?

I love the community college system, and in fact even did my first 2 years at community college, and now that I am working towards my CPA and I have a Masters degree and Accounting degree, I was hoping to somewhat keep my head in the game and have adult conversation by teaching part time at night at a community college (or a 4 year school, just figure community college is easier).

I don't have any experience in teaching, but I do have business and industry experience.  Does anyone know how tough it is to get into this kind of work?

Sorry to have yet another question about working on a stay-at-home board, just wondering how realistic this is.

Re: Teaching part time

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    My friend's husband does it. I'm not sure how hard it was for him to get into it. He teaches computer stuff so I'm guessing the experience was at least as important as teaching skills. Good luck!
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    I just quit my job teaching full time at a local college. They hired a lot of adjuncts and were always looking for new ones. Not sure if that is typical or not, but with a Masters, you shouldn't have any problems getting some classes in your area of expertise if they need someone. I also had no teaching experience when I started and the first day was nerve wracking (especially since I was younger than about half of the students), but I got less nervous with each class and ended up getting Teacher of the Year last year. I did love it and will consider teaching part time in the future when I'm ready to work again. Good luck!
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    Thank you so much ladies!  This is probably a year or so out for me, but its nice to know its doable and a goal to be working towards.

    I know the pay isnt stupendous, but fortunately its really more about getting out of the house and doing something mentally stimulating for me :)

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