November 2011 Moms

November Mom's List

Hey Ladies,

I plan on doing the weekly EDD check-in on Sunday's but wanted to remind any new BFP's to add their name to this post so I can add you to the list! :) 

Please include:

Your bump name

Your first name (If you want to share it) 

Your EDD 

If it is your first, second, third babe. 




Extended version in my blog, but:
TTC since 2004
DX: Azoospermia
3 unmedicated IUI's, 1 with Clomid - all unsuccessful. Moving on to DIVF #1-BFP 5dp5dt!!! 1st Beta 1/23- 269!! Beta #2 1/26 - 882!!! Beta #3 1/30- 4,250!!! 1st ultrasound 2/10 showed TWINS!!! Found out on May 2nd we are having BOYS!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: November Mom's List

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    I can't remember if I had ever replied to your initial post so sorry if this is a repeat! Bump name: oliviosis Name: Olivia EDD: 1/1/11 Baby #1
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    Your bump name: BallerinK

    Your first name (If you want to share it):

    Your EDD: 11/9/11

    If it is your first, second, third babe. First

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    Hey Thundercats, I posted this on the other thread but not sure if you found it. I was thinking we could do a Google docs list. That way everyone updates their own info and it takes the responsibility off you as inevitably more women join, due dates change, etc.
    Just a thought. Let me know if you want to, or want help with it, or just want to do it your way. That's plenty fine too.

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    Your bump name wallace101610

    Your first name (If you want to share it) Crystal

    Your EDD 11/9/11

    If it is your first, second, third babe first

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    Hey Thundercats, I posted this on the other thread but not sure if you found it. I was thinking we could do a Google docs list. That way everyone updates their own info and it takes the responsibility off you as inevitably more women join, due dates change, etc.
    Just a thought. Let me know if you want to, or want help with it, or just want to do it your way. That's plenty fine too.


    This is a good idea! I am not familiar with google docs. I uploaded it to google, but how do I get it to everyone? Do I post it on the web? 

    Extended version in my blog, but:
    TTC since 2004
    DX: Azoospermia
    3 unmedicated IUI's, 1 with Clomid - all unsuccessful. Moving on to DIVF #1-BFP 5dp5dt!!! 1st Beta 1/23- 269!! Beta #2 1/26 - 882!!! Beta #3 1/30- 4,250!!! 1st ultrasound 2/10 showed TWINS!!! Found out on May 2nd we are having BOYS!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Your bump name jnh16

    EDD 11/8/11

    Second child!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hey Thundercats, I posted this on the other thread but not sure if you found it. I was thinking we could do a Google docs list. That way everyone updates their own info and it takes the responsibility off you as inevitably more women join, due dates change, etc.
    Just a thought. Let me know if you want to, or want help with it, or just want to do it your way. That's plenty fine too.


    This is a good idea! I am not familiar with google docs. I uploaded it to google, but how do I get it to everyone? Do I post it on the web? 

    I use google docs for work a lot

    You set the sharing of the document to "everyone/public"

    Post the link to the document in a thread here on the bump


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Hey Thundercats, I posted this on the other thread but not sure if you found it. I was thinking we could do a Google docs list. That way everyone updates their own info and it takes the responsibility off you as inevitably more women join, due dates change, etc.
    Just a thought. Let me know if you want to, or want help with it, or just want to do it your way. That's plenty fine too.


    This is a good idea! I am not familiar with google docs. I uploaded it to google, but how do I get it to everyone? Do I post it on the web? 

    I didn't know how to give directions so I just made one to test it out. We could use this link if we want (or we can use the  list you have already.)

    Basically, I created a new spreadsheet, and changed the sharing settings to "Anyone with a link". (The access could also be "Public on the web".) And then I checked the Edit Access box: "Allow anyone to Edit (no signin required.) Then a box will pop up with the link to allow you to copy and paste it here.

    So we can use the above spreadsheet if you want to have everyone put their own info in (will make less work for you) OR we could use the sheet that you already have going. Just make it into a shared doc and that will put less responsibility in the long run with you.

    I'm heading to the gym but will check in later  today.


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    Hi thundercats!

    Bump Name: Mayzer
    EDD: 11/8/11
    First baby!

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    DD 11/7/11

    2nd child, DS is 4  

    Mommy to Giovanni Louis -- 3/5/2007 and Dante Michael due 10/25/2011
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    EDD 11/1/11


    After 12 months of TTC, we are expecting our first! Follistim + IUI#2 + Lovenox + Crinone + Prometrium=BFP!!! Early Beta#1: 24; Beta#2: 88; Beta#3: 280! EDD: November 1, 2011 BabyFruit Ticker
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    I replied to a check in before, but didn't give my "info" so here goes...

    bump name:  rockchalkbride

     first name:  Aimee

     EDD:  11/7/11

    Baby #2 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Your bump name: emandbry522

    Your first name (If you want to share it): Emily

    Your EDD: 11/2/11

    If it is your first, second, third babe.: baby #1



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    Your bump name: AnniquiousYour first name (If you want to share it):Your EDD: 11/11/11FIRST BABY!!!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic TTC since 1/10 HSG 12/10 1/11 1st cycle on Clomid-BFN and thin lining 2/11 1st cycle on Femara waiting for ultrasound and to do IUI
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    Name: Allie 

    EDD: 11/10/11

    First baby and im really excited!  

    BabyFruit Ticker Baby #1 on the way!!! :)
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