March 2011 Moms

Does anybody need LO to stay...

until at least their due date?

I know I don't really have a say, but I really don't want LO to come until his due date. I have so much crap to still get done (I keep adding to my list) and I coach cheerleading and State is next weekend. Thankfully it's held in my town, but that also means I have to do a lot more stuff for the other 16 teams.

LO hasn't been progressing downward at all, and as of 35 weeks I was "closed up". I just have no idea how I'm going to get all my "poop in a group" so to speak if he does come early.

Gah! I can't STAND feeling behind!

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Re: Does anybody need LO to stay...

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    I don't need LO to stay put until due date (coming up this Friday already!), but I'm ok with her staying put and have always felt like she'll be a little late.  My main goal was to get through today since it's SS's birthday and he really didn't want a little sister for a present...he also didn't want her before his birthday since he needed his to be first.  He said March 1 she can come and it appears she's listening to her big brother Cool
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    Yes! I am totally fine with LO staying put as long as he wants. I had a few contractions the other day and was in a panic that he was coming. We pretty much have everything done, but I'm enjoying these last few quiet weeks with my husband. We're "one and done," so this is the last time I will ever be pregnant - I know this sounds weird as it gets towards the end, I can't help but be a little sad that these are the last times I'll feel those wiggles and rolls. 
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    I'm due Mar. 4th but my nursery is still totally NOT put together.  I have a bassinet which is were she'll be sleeping for awhile but no crib.  The room used to be an office/storage area and we're still moving things out.  We've made a lot of progress, but I'm just a little frantic because my mom (who is a total neat freak/control freak) will be here in about a week or two and there's no way my house would pass my mom's inspection right now!  Plus, I'd still like to have LO's clothes and things packed away before she gets here! My MIL came over yesterday and she's like the rush is on to get a dresser for the clothes and finish by next week - cross your legs really hard if she tries to come out! :)
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    DH has a really big function at work this Saturday, so we'd really like her to stay put until at least Sunday! :) After that, she's free to come whenever she wants!! :)
    DD born March 2011
    DS born Dec 10, 2013
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    I need at least 2 more weeks!!!  I am trying to finish corportate audits for my parent's company where i work so that I can turn all the records into the accountant for taxes.   It's going to take me atleast another week or so to finish.  I dont' have time right now to have a baby.
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    I really just want baby to clear DS's birthday (on the 8th) and my birthday (on the 13th).  Anytime after March 14th would be perfectly lovely!

    Nursery is done, and I am packing my hospital bag this week.  I still need to shop for diapers, formula, and other essentials though.


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    I don't "need" baby to stay put, but I'm in no rush for labor. I love being pregnant and I love this time of relaxation! I think its also helpful that my OB doesn't do internals until 39 weeks (or 39w4d in my case) so I'm not buggin about progress.
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    I hope that she stays put until at least Thursday! My doctor is out of town today and tomorrow. Then Wednesday I am supposed to have lunch and pedicures with my friend. I really want to go to lunch so hopefully she will stay put until after that. Lol.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    I want him to stay in until at least Friday afternoon. I am finishing up at work this week and it would work better for me if he stayed where he is for now! I'm due March 9, but he's getting a little big for his surroundings and I wouldn't complain if he came a day or two early!
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    Considering H is on crutches and in a 0 degree knee brace (i.e. he cannot move his knee or put weight on it) until right at my due date, yes... I am hoping little one is as close as possible to her due date.  Although my OB is probably going to either recommend a c/s or an induction a week before due to either PIH and/or she'll be large and they will be afraid of her shoulder getting stuck like her big brother.
    Mr & Mrs - 10/15/05
    Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
    *Photos by Kacy Cierley*
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    Need LO to stay, no... Want LO to stay, yes!  I'm not due until March 9 - 12 anyway, but I have a scheduled c-section this Friday.  I'd rather not go into labor before hand so that I can prepare myself for the big day.  We'll see though ;)


    "Beanie" Natural 7w MC 11/21/12

    "Nole" stopped growing at 7w3d D&E 2/11/13

    Diagnosed with MTHFR and Factor V Leiden on 4/3/13

    Due with RAINBOW GIRL 2/10/15

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    Yep I would like LO to stay until due date so I can take my maternity leave for the rest of the year, but a big part of me wants to be done:)
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