March 2011 Moms

No progress

I had my 37 week appt today and an internal. In my Dr's words, there's not much doing down there. Sad

I know this can change but I'm still a little bit disappointed. My Dr. actually said that he couldn't believe I've lasted this long.  After all my scares and ptl at 29 weeks, I'm starting to think that maybe I have a teflon cervix and I'll actually go past my due date. I really, really don't want that to happen. 

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Re: No progress

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    I'm sorry. Just remember that things can happen really quickly at this point too!
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    good luck! hope you make some progress soon
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    I have a teflon cervix and I'll actually go past my due date. 

     A good friend of mine had a baby this time last year...the doctor told her she had a cervix of steel! I'm not having much progress either (I'm 38w 2d)... :(

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    A lot can happen in 3 weeks.   I hope progress comes for you. soon. 
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    I hope your next appointment gives you much better news ... try to keep your head up though!
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