March 2011 Moms

XP: I had my little girl!

Hello everyone! :)  Zoe Renee was born on February 17th at 1:55am She was 8lbs, 15oz and 22 inches long. Tall like her daddy! :)

Here's the story:

I worked Tuesday night/Wednesday morning (15th-16th). Around 1 or 2 am I got a weird headache so I decided to take my BP. It was 150/96. Uh oh! I sat down, put my feet up, and checked it again 15 mins later. Not much lower. I called L&D and told them my sitiation. They told me to just go to my regularly scheduled dr appt at 9am that morning (Wed). So, I did and my BP was unchanged. My doctor said I had to go to the hospital and either have a c-section or get induced. I said induced. I asked him if I could at least go home and shower and sleep a little and he said no because of my BP. He said he wanted me to be induced by Sunday bc of the size of the baby (I would've been 39 weeks), but since my BP was a little high I needed to go now. Arg. I hadn't slept all night!

So, I called H and drove back to the hospital and got admitted. They started me on Pitocin and honestly I wasn't in that bad of pain. It was worse bc I couldn't move around. I got some IV pain meds around 4pm and that really helped take the edge off. I was progressing nicely but when the dr did the internal exams it freakin hurt and I tensed up so he couldn't get accurate measurements. He encouraged me to get an epi and after thinking about it for a while, I did. After 2 attempts they finally got it in and I was in heaven. Good stuff!  Long story short, by midnight I was finally ready to push and my dr, though reluctant that she was going to fit, let me push. I tried and tried but I was so worn out and I just couldn't push as hard as I needed to and she just wouldn't come out. I got her to station 0 but she kept going back up. Apparently it's called "turtling" and when they do that, it's a good indication the baby is not going to fit. I finally agreed to a c-section and this is where I got a huge scare.

We were discussing c-section and all of a sudden I saw H fall face first. I was terrified that he had hit his head and was seriously injured. I never moved so fast and I jumped to the edge of the bed to make sure he was ok (not sure how I got there so quickly with the epi). I didn't see any blood but it looked like he was having a seizure (the way his eyes were moving). I have seen him pass out like this before and they have never been able to diagnose it. It usually happens when his stomach is really irritated. I think it happened this time because he was freaked out at the idea of me having a c-section. He won't admit to it though. Anyway, I keep replaying this scene over and over in my mind and I hate it. I know he is fine, but it really upsets me. There was so much equipment and furniture around the room that he could've easily hurt him self very, very bad. But he didn't. I know he is fine, but it still scares me. Anyway.........

After they made sure he was OK, they whisked me into the OR. By this time H was fine and dressed up in the OR suit. I told them to watch him very closely! Little Zoe was born soon after and they sewed me up and I got to see her. Luckily I was still with it (although exhausted and puking. Fun!) and remember everything. I didn't have much interest in her at first, probably bc of the exhaustion. All I wanted to do was sleep!

The c-section itseltf was fine but recovery SUCKS. I still can't sleep in my own bed. I have been sleeping in the glider. I apparently have air trapped in my shoulder (common after this type of surgery) and although it's getting better, it was excruciating. Nothing I did would help it. I also have a rash all over my belly. Another common thing apparently. I hope my dr can give me something for it today. Today I have my first postop visit and I will also be getting the staples out. There is no way I would wish this on anyone. All I want to do is take care of my baby and I feel totally inadequate. At least BF is going well. She latches on like a champ and I have good milk production so far. I am pretty much feeding on demand and she goes about every 2-3 hours. I'm just going with the flow and that seems to work. We had our first pedi appt and she was a little jaundiced ut her bilirubin levels were fine. Apparently after birth BF babies can be a little jaundiced and it usually clears up on it own. She is looking normal now, so all is well!

About 6 hours after she was born, she had to be taken to the respite nursery to be monitored for her low blood sugar. She was on a sugar drip till Saturday morning (she is fine now) and we were released Sat afternoon (2/19). She also has hip dysplasia on both hips (one is really bad) so we have an appt at Shriners on MArch 3rd. She will most likely have to wear a harness for a few months, but luckily it was caught early. Hopefully she won't need surgery and will be able to crawl and walk just fine. Of course I am a worried mom!

We were not planning on naming her Zoe, but after looking at her and getting to know her, the name we had chosen just didn't feel right for her. I am so happy with our choice! I just love her! :) It's weird not to be pregnant anymore, lol! Everything happened so fast it all feels like a blur. I will never be happy with the fact that I had a c-section, but I am thankful for the health of our little girl and myself, and that is what is most important! We are adjusting to our new life just fine (although we are all exhausted) and I couldn't be happier! H has been so incredbly helpful, and I am so glad he is going to be off from work until next week! My family will come down when he goes back to work. :)

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Re: XP: I had my little girl!

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    Wow!  What an experience!  I hope you're able to get a little bit of rest.  I'm so sorry for your DH.  Is he ok now?  I bet little Zoe is so precious!!!  We need pictures-STAT!!  lol 

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    Yup, H is ok now, just a little embarassed. I told him he needs to go back to the dr and see if they can figure out why he passes out. Maybe it's psychological?? I would post pics, but I promised H that I wouldn't post any on the internet. :( He's really paranoid! I want to though....she is so cute!
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    Congrats on your little girl!! I would have been very freaked out if MH had fallen like that too!!  Hope everything goes well at your appointment today and Zoe's hip displasia can be corrected so it doesn't effect her mobility later!!  Can't wait to see pics!!

    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Congrats!...would love to see pics!
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    Congrats on your little girl.  I'm sorry you are having a rough time with recovery.  I am having a repeat c-section and scared to death of the recovery again.  A friend mentioned to get a tummy binder to help with the pain.  Hope it works.
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    congratulation and wow, what an experience.
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    Congrats! Ditto on needing pic stat Wink
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    Doula, mama and student prego with number 2. Yay!
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    Congrats on the birth - sounds like it was quite an experience!!  Hopefully the brace works wonders and she'll be moble in no time!
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