March 2011 Moms

DH has crossed the line...

DH left for  a business trip to Baltimore this morning. His dad went with him. I knew today was more of a sightseeing day for them. Well... 

strike 1: DH calls to tell me "good news" that he's $1000 up playing poker at a casino. first thing that goes through my head is, WTF are you doing gambling when we're a month away from a very expensive addition? AND he just quit his steady income to start a business with FIL. saving money seems key here...

strike 2 & 3: my only condition for him going on this trip was that he take the first flight home if i feel like its baby time. that would invlove him keeping his phone on him. the jerk isnt answering his phone!!!!!! i havent talked to him since 3pm. I tried to call before i went to bed. twice. rang to voicemail. i sent a text saying call me. 20 min later nothing. NOW the damn phone is turned off! i called his dad to find out where he was and when he said hes at that poker table he cant talk, i lost it. i said i dont give a $%& about a dumb game! his wife is 37 weeks pregnant and he needs to be able to be reached at all times. i am so freaking livid right now. i'm not going to be able to sleep. what if this were the real thing?! he'd never know. ughhhhh! i am beyond angry at hime. i just got done telling him that this was my worst fear. me going into labor and him not being there for me. and then he does this. 

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Re: DH has crossed the line...

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    Holyshiit I would be livid. My husband travels a couple hours here and there around the state and I told him he's not allowed to go anywhere overnight anymore. I do not want to risk it.

    I'm so sorry. I would be up his asss when ever you get to talk to him. I hope he wises up!!

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    Ugh, I'm sorry :( I would be livid! He definitely has some making up (and serious explaining) to do when he gets home.

    I know it's so much easier said than done, but try not to stress about it till you can talk to him. Otherwise, while you are at home fuming, he will still be having a grand ol' time gambling the night away...which means you'd be the only one left suffering tonight, not him. Now that you know his not answering has nothing to do with something being wrong like an accident or anything, try to get some rest for you and the baby (I know, like I said, easier said than done).

    Hope you guys can work this out when you discuss it, so you won't have to deal with being upset and can focus on the baby's arrival.
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    Men!!  This sounds like something DH would try to get away with.  Be prepared to hear "well you got a hold of your dad didn't you" or something smarmy like that.


    Ugh.  Sorry you have to deal with this but like PP have said at least now you know he's not hurt or something so try to get some sleep.   

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    URGH!!!! I'm SO sorry!  I would be livid as well, and I don't blame you for being upset... rightfully so.  I would be too!  And it sounds like something DH would do.  Maybe not the poker part, but he does forget his phone or turn it off or turn it on silent....  it makes me SO mad!  I constantly remind him he needs it on at all times, because at any point now i could need him for the big time! 

    Good luck and try not to kill him when he gets home!  But let him know you're ticked.  And make him make it up to you- buying you things, foot massage, cleaning, etc.  whatever you want!  You deserve it! 

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    men suck don't they? I'd send him a text saying "whatever if you're not here your name isn't going on the birth certificate." then go spend too much on myself at the spa. hopefully the d0uche makes it up to you big time!
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    I would be extremely mad.  He'd be listening to a lot of angry voicemails of me flying off the handle.  My question is: If the business trip is in Baltimore, where is he staying that has a casino?  The closest ones are Dover, DE, and Charles Town, WV.  I live just a few minutes from the casino in WV, which is about an hour and 15 minutes from Baltimore.  If he's here, do you want me to hunt him down and smack him upside the head for you?
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    They flew into Pittsburgh to make a stop at a warehouse there. Then they are driving to Baltimore to a corporate office. His dad planned the trip... And though I love him, he's not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to stuff like that. So go figure. 

    And PP that said he would respond with, "You got in touch with dad right?"

    That's exactly what he said. He called back an hour and 1/2 later. He said, well you can always call dad or mom if something is wrong. I said, "They didn't knock me up, and I'm not wasting time tracking you down if I go into labor. If you don't care enough to pick up the phone, then you don't care enough to find out!"

    He apologized AND admitted that I was right (SHOCKER!) Luckily I had calmed down and actually fallen asleep rather easily by the time he called. So I just told him I wasn't going to scream or argue, but if he couldn't keep his phone on him at the poker table. He didn't need to be there. He agreed. And apologized again.

    Guys are so dumb sometimes... and I just have to remember that. I am super proud of myself though! I kept my cool and everything when I talked to him and his dad! That's a first for me! Woohoo!! Haha! 

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    I would be turning shades of purple.

    I say send him a text that you are in L&D with (insert name of your family member that he dislikes) and that you will let him know when his baby is born...if you have time, or if you feel like it.

    He'll love getting that text.

    And then when he calls you a zillion times, DON'T ANSWER.

    I swear, guys are SO dumb sometimes!

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    I would be livid as well!
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    They flew into Pittsburgh to make a stop at a warehouse there. Then they are driving to Baltimore to a corporate office. His dad planned the trip... And though I love him, he's not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to stuff like that. So go figure. 

     I'll bet they were at the casino near my house then.  It's just a short detour off the route from Pittsburgh to Baltimore.   What would your husband have done if some other pregnant woman had walked into the casino, hit him upside the head and said, "Call your wife jacka$$?"  Hahahaha. 

    I'm glad you talked to him and he apologized.

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    They flew into Pittsburgh to make a stop at a warehouse there. Then they are driving to Baltimore to a corporate office. His dad planned the trip... And though I love him, he's not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to stuff like that. So go figure. 

     I'll bet they were at the casino near my house then.  It's just a short detour off the route from Pittsburgh to Baltimore.   What would your husband have done if some other pregnant woman had walked into the casino, hit him upside the head and said, "Call your wife jacka$$?"  Hahahaha. 

    I'm glad you talked to him and he apologized.

    I don't know but the mental video I just got from this was hilarious!!! 

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