June 2011 Moms

just faile glucose screening test :(

I have to go back for the 3 hour test in a week and a half after eating a special diet for three days. 

 who else had this?  Anyone with GD?

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Re: just faile glucose screening test :(

  • I had GD with DS and I failed the 1 hr so badly they just put me on the diet and I had to test my sugars a few hours after each meal. I'm going to take the 1hr test again this week, I'm sure I'll fail again. 
    *photo removed*
  • that stinks

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  • Oh and just because you failed the 1 hr doesn't mean you'll fail the 3 hr. Do the diet and hope for the best. If you do end up with it it isn't so difficult. I ended up not gaining a lot of weight, you know, no cankles or retaining water. The only crappy part was testing the blood sugar. I was able to control mine with diet and exercise, some people have to take drugs to control their blood sugar. 
    *photo removed*
  • With my second child I failed the 1 hr and had to do the 3 hr but had passed that one, I think I will probably fail this one too, which is no fun, but it is what it is. Good luck and I hope you pass the 3 hr. cause I had a friend on the diet and have to take meds too. She said it was not much fun!
    ~Kelly Marie~ Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I failed the 1 hour too. Took the 3 hour on Friday and am waiting for my results.  The 3 hour wasn't too bad...just bring a book to read while waiting. Good luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagecvl105:
    I failed the 1 hour too. Took the 3 hour on Friday and am waiting for my results.  The 3 hour wasn't too bad...just bring a book to read while waiting. Good luck!


    Good luck to you too!  My hubby will be off work that day so at least he'll be with me; that should help pass the time...

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  • imageBran_ham:
    Oh and just because you failed the 1 hr doesn't mean you'll fail the 3 hr. Do the diet and hope for the best. If you do end up with it it isn't so difficult. I ended up not gaining a lot of weight, you know, no cankles or retaining water. The only crappy part was testing the blood sugar. I was able to control mine with diet and exercise, some people have to take drugs to control their blood sugar. 

    Did you have to be induced with your son?  Was he a big baby?  I'm not so worried about testing my blood sugar...I had to do daily injections for the IVF so I know I'll get used to finger pricking too...but obviously if I don't have to do it I'l be much happier.


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